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Norminah came inside the hospital came face to face with camila and the killer he was about to throw his knife at camila looks like she accepted her faith but normani was quick and shoot the killer making him drop the knife at the ground and scream in pain he looked at them his eye widened

"How did you find this place cops" the killer said holding his shoulder

"Flare gun never heard of it now for you I will fucking finish you for what you did to my friends fucking bitch" a very angry Dinah shot him and he fell to the ground lifeless

Dinah snapped to action going to camila who was about to pass out from blood lose Dinah gasped when she saw that Camila hand is stuck under a massive rock

"Baby can you help get this rock from milas arm" Dinah said

Normani and Dinah were trying to move the rock it was hard thing to do but they finally did it and gasped at the look of Camilas hands it was crushed

"Let's go mila Lauren is worried let's go home" Dinah says

"You saved me dj I missed you so much" camila said in a very weak tone that made the girls heart break

"I will always be here for you and try to save you any chance I get I won't let you die like this your gonna of natural causes not being murdered ok got it" Dinah said and camila giggled

"Ok Dinah but can I sleep Iam very tired I just wan" camila was cut off

"NO no don't sleep keep your eyes open please for me for Lauren keep those pretty eyes open for us" normani said and camila nodded her head trying her best not to fall asleep

Dinah carried camila in her arms going to the helicopter when Lauren saw them her heart broke at the sight of her girlfriend beaten up

The girls got in the helicopter going for the hospital as fast Camila is losing her Conscience by the second she's getting sleepy by the second

" I want to sleep dj let me sleep" camila said

"No no Camz keep those pretty eyes open for me ok look at me look at my eyes" Lauren says and camila looked into her eyes

"Why are you crying sweetheart" camila said

"I don't want you to die please keep your eyes open for me please" Lauren said crying some more

"Hey it's ok I will be fine I won't die ok lolo I will be here I won't go anywhere" camila said and Lauren kissed her Check

"Hello this is officer Hansen I have a very injured girl who needs to go to the hospital information Miami hospital that I would be there in 5 minutes" Dinah said

"Copy that officer Hansen I will inform the hospital right now" the person on the line said

"How is camila doing did she sleep" normani asked

"She's still awake" Lauren replied

"Ok good let's keep it that way" normani said

*five minutes later*

The doctors rushed to the helicopter to take camila camila was about to pass out they took her to the operation room

The girls are outside the room they said it would take hours so they have to wait

*three hours later*

The doctor came out of the room with a disappointment look on his face it wasn't a good sign

"How is she" Lauren said

"Iam sorry"

* ten years later*

"How are you holding on Lauren" ally said sitting down next to Lauren

"Iam ok ally thank you for asking" Lauren replied

"are you sure" ally said

"Yes Iam sure" Lauren replied

"I know you misss her Lauren I miss her too" ally replied

" I don't just miss her I can't live without her ally I can't" Lauren replied with

"It's ok Lauren your gonna see her soon" ally said

"I know but she has a business trip for one month I just miss my wife ok" Lauren said looking at her ring camila got her

"I know you miss her Lauren but it's just a business trip and the last one she's gonna retire" ally said

"Your right ally I shouldn't look into it that much she's coming home soon" Lauren said and laughing when she sees her child fall down on his back

"What a clumsy boy get up you can do it" Lauren yelled

But she didn't see behind her Lauren feels a pair of hands on her hips when Lauren looked behind her it's her wife camila cabello camil lived she was about to die but the doctors brought her back to life the only thing she lost was one of her hands

"How are you lolo I missed you" camila said kissing Lauren's lips and Lauren smiled into the kiss

"I missed you more Iam glad you came back home" Lauren said smiling at camila

"How about we take our kids and order pizza and have a family movie night all together

" that would be great Camz" Lauren said

Camren took there kids and left happy that they made it out alive

The abandoned hospital was removed from existence they found out half of the disappearance was there a lot of people were dead there Jeremy did his unfinished task and now his with his parents happy about his achievement of helping the girls escape

They lived a happy life camren normianh and Wally

The end

Hope you liked this book Iam sorry if it doesn't have many chapters tell me if you like it or not I would greatly appreciate it

Words: 944

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