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  "I love you" is all Lauren heard from camila the girl got up yelled and took off running Lauren was scared that something bad would happen to her girlfriend she sees the killer running after camila

"Let's go it's our chance" ally said

They both walked to the door opened it and got out they were running to the gate they continued there run until they were in an open Field Lauren got the flare gun and reloaded it and she did what Camila did

They both walked to the door opened it and got out they were running to the gate they continued there run until they were in an open Field Lauren got the flare gun and reloaded it and she did what Camila did

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Ally and Lauren were looking for fruit or anything they can find to eat they're starving Lauren saw an apple tree and got some apples they washed it with there bottle of water

"Iam so hungry I can eat anything" ally said they been waiting for minute

"I hope Camz is ok"  Lauren said with tears in her eyes and ally sat next to her to comfort her

"Hey don't worry she's gonna make it out alive I promise you that ok" ally said

"What if she doesn't I can't live without her she's the light to my dark days I love her too much I won't ever move on if she dies ally I can't" Lauren said crying ally just hugged her  to comfort her

"Hey it's ok don't say that she's not gonna die you both will go home and relax you will see your family soon your mothers and father your siblings and hopefully camila is gonna be here too let's just hope ok" ally said and Lauren just cried

Poor girl I hope camila is alright I hope someone will get us out of here I miss my family and fiancé ally thought

Lauren was done crying she whips her tears with the sleeves of her shirt

Lauren hears something coming from a distance when Lauren looked up she sees a helicopter coming there way she's shocked the flare gun worked and they see the helicopter land and Lauren was so shocked to see who left the helicopter

"Dinah normani!!" a very shocked Lauren said Dinah and normani are working as police officers

"Oh my god Lauren your ok I was so scared" normani said but Dinah was looking around

"Where is walz where is she" Dinah said

"She sacrificed herself for me and ally there is a killer in that hospital" Lauren said

As they were walking in the hospital they heard a scarem Lauren recognized it it's camila oh my god

The girls eyes widened looking at each other Dinah and normani too there guns out and some food for Lauren and ally

"Stay here for your safety ok we will go and get camila got it" Dinah said

She gave them food and water norminah went to the massive gate and went inside

"Let's get camila out and leave this place ok baby" Dinah said and normani nodded her head

"Right behind you let's get our mila back" normani said and entering the abandoned hospital

They went walking they can hear someone talking and it's only getting louder when they got there they entered the hospital when they see camila had her back on the wall blood next to her and a guy with a throwing knife In front of her

"Say your good byes now" the killer said

"Back to alren*

"Do you think they will make it with camila or without her" Lauren asked

"To be honest Lauren I don't know let's just pry and hope they come back with her" ally said hoping it would make Lauren calm down

"Please be safe Camz"

Sorry for the short chapter I didn't know what to write next so ya thank you for reading

Words: 618

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