Getting out 

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The girls were stuck in the elevator they don't know what to do but camila notice that they can climb out of this elevator camila tried it and it worked she's on top of the elevator camila gave a hand to ally and Lauren

"So what now" Lauren asked

Camila looked everywhere and saw there was a ladder the girls followed camila and they went to climb the ladder and when they got to the opened door they're on the top of the building they split up camila went to fix the elevator and alren went to look for useful items to make the rescue team come to them alren found a tiny room full of boxes they opened all the boxes and ally found a flare gun

They took the gun and there was a knife they took it too they don't know how to use it but camila does camila took classes of self defense so she knows her ways with a knife they took both and they saw camila coming there way

"I fixed the elevator now we won't have any problems with it" camila said

"Look what we found we found a knife you can use because you know how to use it better then us and flare gun with two bullets" ally said and camila took the knife and did some tricks with the knife that wowed alren

Camila took the flare gun and bullets camila takes one and puts it in the gun camila aimed at the sky and camila pressed the trigger and it went off

"This will give the people around a sign that we're in danger and try and get to us  we have one last bullet left we have to use it wisely" camila said and they got back inside

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"This will give the people around a sign that we're in danger and try and get to us  we have one last bullet left we have to use it wisely" camila said and they got back inside

The girls got back to the elevator and it successfully got to the ground floor the girls got out of the elevator and saw the exit but when they tried to open it it's locked

"Fuck why is it locked" camila said

"I don't know baby let's find the key" Lauren said

"How about we look in the manger office for the key" ally said

"That's a clever idea let's go" camila said

The girls are trying to find the Manger office for minutes they were going in circles at some point until ally pointed at the office they got in and there was a safe

"God damn it what's the password it has  to be here"

Camila found a letter but it's the mangers letter

"Guys I found this let's read it shall we" camila said

*trigger warning*

"Aria was a normal 15 year old girl. However she was always lonely. She was very hard to talk to since she was a deaf-mute girl. At school, she was always bullied by many of her classmates. Since then she always had trouble trying to defend herself"

"At home, it was not that different. Aria's father was around the age of 29. Aria's father was always working and she's always had a hard time trying to bond with him. Whenever she would try to show him something or tried to communicate with him, he always yelled at her and walked off. Aria knew he hated her but she always tried to show him her love. She always worked at it.
One day, after school she ran to a watch store and bought her father a silver watch. She had it packed and but her report card inside since she got all straight A's this time around. That day was her and her father's birthdays. Soon after that she got home and started to cook his favorite food.
At 3 am, someone knocked rapidly on the door and she went to go pick it up as she got out of the dining room chair with all the food still not touched and all wrapped. A neighbor who new sign language had a sad expression and she soon grabbed her father's present, locked the house and ran. Her father had gotten into an accident while he was coming home"

"When she made it to the hospital, he had minor injuries. Although she was glad to see him ok, he wasn't so happy to see her. Being the way she as, she tried to help him the few days he was in the hospital. He never even tried to open the gift she gave him on his and her birthday"

"She couldn't take the unwantedness anymore. If no one tried to show they cared about her for a little bit, she didn't know what the point of living would be anymore. So as she walked home from school, she stopped by a drug store and bought sleeping pills. She went up to her room and sat on her desk crying while writing a goodbye letter for her father. She left it on her nightstand and tarting taking the pills one by one. She laid on her bed with tears running down and smiled and she slowly passed away.
That same day, her father was discharged from the hospital and went home carrying the present he never opens from his daughter. When he got home he didn't hear anything and tried to call out Aria's name. When he got no response, he started to get angry and stormed up and into her room"

"When he opened the door, he saw the pill bottles round her and her body on her bed. With panic he tried to wake up, but saw the it was no use. He was too late. He soon found her letter by her nightstand and it read"

"Her father's vision was blurred with tears as he read the letter and opened the present. Seeing the silver watch that was so expensive and the red A+'s on the piece of paper made him crumble as he tried repeatedly called her name out and shaking her. It was no use and he lost his only daughter. A few weeks after her funeral, Aria's father visited her as many times as he could"

 A few weeks after her funeral, Aria's father visited her as many times as he could"

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"Oh that was very sad" camila was speechless

"Let's try 15 29" ally said

Camila got up to the safe and it worked it's the right code but the key wasn't for the exit


The story of aria isn't mine I found it on google

Words: 1068

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