Exploring rooms

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Jeremy and camila opened room 5 and came face to face with a persons diary and two closets a bathroom and a window camila look from the window they're in the middle of no where and on the third floor camila can go to ally and rescue her girlfriend camila made her way to the book when she got it she heard it it's him his gonna com here camila didn't have any time and went under the bed and camila sees his foot and the knife his holding he was dragging it camila held her breath so he won't hear her breath he stopped in the middle of the room and opened both closets the killer sighed and left

Camila opened the boook and it had dear diary on it so now camila is reading the book

Dear Diary

I been in this hospital for weeks now I have a weird feeling about this place I came here for a stomachache and now Iam hospitalized here I feel like they're gonna kill me here well if this is my last days I would love to say tell my sister that I love her our conversation didn't end well she said she hates me and she never spoken to me in so long and tell my dad to never stop dreaming and tell my mom she's the best the best mom in the world being stuck here made me realize how much they mean to me I guess I didn't have a chance to say good bye to them so Iam just gonna write it here good bye mom good bye sis good bye dad love all of you never forget about me

Love Cassandra

Camila flipped the page

Dear diary

I was right my gut feeling was right I made a friend here her names Jacky and when I tell you she disappeared I was shocked I asked the doctors and they said she passed away that's bullshit they killed her I saw them dragging her to the surgery room 4 weeks ago they're planning on cutting her open i don't know for what I have to get out of here before am next

Love Cassandra

Dear diary

They denied me to get out of here they told me i need to be in the mental section Iam not crazy I know what I saw they cut PEOPLE open and take there limbs I saw them they killed Jacky I saw it they're selling it for hospital for money they killing innocent people and iam next I have to get out of here I have to I need to see my family I need to apologize I need to ....... .I...H.€......I.......g.........

There was blood on the page camila couldn't read the next line so she switches pages

Love Cassandra

Dear diary

Iam next they're gonna do what they did to Jacky to me Iam gonna die here it's the end of the road for me it was a good life I didn't even find my soulmate I bet his out there waiting for me to come to him but iam stuck here about to die from a creepy hospital

Love Cassandra

Dear diary

It's my turn Iam gonna die

Love Cassandra

Dear diary

You will never see this but she's dead I killed her with my own hands I can't have her reporting it to the cops I can't lose my job I need this money Iam sorry I feel guilty but I need this money to survive I have kids at home I need to fee Iam sorry now hood bye

The guilt is eating me alive I can't do this anymore it's too much for me

Once camila finished reading Jeremy was no where to be found he was always with her maybe his with Lauren comforting her camila wanted to continue  so she went to room 10 she opened it and it had nothing no note no book nothing just a writing in a black marker saying watch out his after you

Camilas opened room 15 and it had nothing just a broken closet and bed

The room 20 also had nothing

The last room she had the key to she opened it and came face to face with a crack on the wall camila found keys she doesn't know the use and that's it camila walked through the crack to the next room which is 26 and saw Lauren passed out on the bed with hand cuffed to the bed camila rushed to Lauren and camila tried to to wake her up

"Lolo wake up please open those gorgeous eyes of your please" camila said and Lauren didn't move Camilas words is crushing down

"No no please don't be dead please be alive you where ok hour ago please wake up" camila says

Camila shakes Lauren for a bit and decided to cpr after camila had done it Lauren  gasped and she looked at camila with tears down her face

"I missed you so much Camz" Lauren said and kissed her

"I missed you so much lolo too I came to rescue you but you have to be quiet because there is a bad man outside who's blind so don't make any noise ok" camila said and Lauren nodded her head and camren sees Jeremy

"Jeremy where were you" camila said

"You have to save her ally you have to before it's too late" Jeremy said and disappeared

"Okey that's creepy but let's go look for her" Lauren said getting up and instantly graping to the edge of the bed from her headaches are only getting worse

"Are you ok" camila said very worried

"Ya Iam fine let's find ally and get out of this place" Lauren said

"Okey if  you insist here's the flashlight I got mine here" camila said giving the flash light to Lauren

"Okey let's go find where's ally and the exit are because Iam going to try and get out of this hell hole" Lauren said and going to the surgery section

"We can do this"

What do you think is gonna happen is ally alright are camren gonna save her life it most important questions do you think they well make it out alive or die trying

Words: 1052

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