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The girls went and tried the key on all the rooms there's no use they tried it in every door they  found until the last door and it opened the girls didn't see what was written on the door and just went in

"Woah this room has a lot of puzzles in it" ally said

The room filled with puzzles like Connect the wires put the pictures back together riddles and some more puzzles the girls decided to do the wires first

"How do we do this puzzle" ally said

"Ally it's wires connect them to there color and we finish this puzzle" camila said

Ally did what camila said and a something opened when they saw a tiny door that opened  and saw a puzzle piece  Lauren took it and saw the puzzle board and Lauren  inserted the puzzle piece in

"Ok what next do we do the riddle or the safe or the colors" Lauren said

Camila was looking at the room there was a bookshelf and it had different colored books between all white and black books camila analyzed the bookshelf confused maybe this is the answer to the safe and the color riddle

"Guys guys" camila said trying to get there attention

"Yes Camz what did you find" Lauren said

"Look at this bookshelf it has  colored books and numbered too maybe it's the answer" camila said and went to the color riddle

"Tell me the colors on the book and I would put them in this" camila said and Lauren nodded her head

"Ok first is  blue and then red and then green and then yellow and the last color is pink" Lauren said and the same as the wires puzzle a tiny door opened to a puzzle piece and camila took it and putted It on the puzzle board  they have 2 left

"Let's try the numbers now" camila said and Lauren nodded her head

" ok the number is 73693 did you get that" Lauren asked

"Fuck no it's wrong" camila cussed camila continued her explor around the room and saw four different kind of painting with dates

*jodan miliano"
The first manger of the hospital

*adriel Caleb*

The second manger of the hospital

*anna creed*
Third manger of the hospital

*avianna shepherd*
The last manger of the hospital

"Guys let's try the numbers on the painting" camila said

Camil wrote the number that was on the first painting and it's wrong and she did the second and it's wrong again and the third one wrong again and the last one it's also wrong camila is getting frustrated with the code

"this is bullshit why are they wrong I can't do anything right" camila said and ally and Lauren were beside her

"Hey don't say that you saved me and ally from that killer you solved half who am I joking you solved all the puzzles yourself don't be hard on yourself ok we can do this as a team ok Camz " Lauren said

"She's right if it wasn't for you I would have been dead long time ago so pull yourself together we have a family to go to we're not dying here it's not an option ok camila" ally said and camila nodded her head

They try a couple more codes and it won't word and then an idea popped into Camilas brain

"Wait how about they mean first and second is the number of the year like here Jodan was the first manger in 1836 how about we take the 1 from it and adriel was the second manger in 1865 so we take the 8 and then Anna was the third manger in  1889 we take the 8 and the last manger was  avianna in 1923 so we take the last number 3 and that get us to 1883 let's try it" camila explained and

When camila inserted the number and it worked it opened camila was over the moon she did it

"See I told you don't doubt yourself camila your very smart" ally said and they got it and on to the last puzzle then the girls are free

Riddle one
« give me food and I will live give me water and I die what am I»

"Ummm fire you can give it wood and it lives but water it kills it" ally said and camila wrote the answer and putted in rev plate and a ding was heard

Riddle two
«I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I»

"This one is hard what do you think it is" Lauren said

The girls are stuck on the riddle they don't know what's the answer and then

"Maybe it's an echo that's all I got" camila said writing it and she heard a ding

"Oh my god it's right I didn't except that to be true" a very shocked camila said

Riddle three
«You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. The wind is my enemy»

"Oh I know this one it's a candle my mom  told me this one" Lauren said and camila wrote it down and they heard a ding

Last riddle
«I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I»

" easy a map we're so close to getting out of this shit ass place" camila said and she wrote it down and a tiny door opened for the last puzzle piece

The girls took the last puzzle piece and inserted it in the puzzle board

And it opened revealing the two keys for the main gate and the exit the girls where so excited they took it but then they heard the elevator door open they look at each other


I hope you like the story so far it's not gonna be a long one either so sorry if it's not the best I tried my hardest to make it entertaining and scary at the same time

Words 1028

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