The beginning

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Camila woke up to lights being turned on and off she's confused where is she when camila opened her eyes completely she see's herself one of her hands is cuffed to the bed a hospital bed there was Vines and cobwebs in the ceiling the bed didn't have any sheets on it and next to her was a tiny drawer and on the other side that made Camilas heart drop is a little boy who's looks like at the age of five or six just standing there looking at her camila got chills down her spine

"Hello little boy" camila said


"Do you know where's the keys to those hand cuffs" camila asked hopping he would say it

The boy points to the door and camila can see the key but it's too far from her she's trying to reach it but couldn't

"Can you help me" camila said and the boy tried to but his hand just went throw the door that freaked camila out

Ghosts they're real is all camila is thinking and camila is staring at the boy afraid that he would do anything scary

"Don't worry Iam not gonna hurt you Iam gonna help you" the boy finally said something

"Ok what do I do to get out of this handcuffs" camila asked

"Break the handcuffs it's rusty so open kick would break it and you can get the key and open it" the boy said

Camila did what the boy said and it worked camila took the key and open the cuffs the boy pointed at the little cabin that was next to her camila opened it and saw two batteries and a flashlight with some files camila took them out

Patient #8363#

Patients name: Jeremy Mandes

Patients age: 5 years old

Sex of the petient: male

Parents name: Shawn Mandes and hailee Mandes (Stanford)

Note: this patient suffered a lot of headaches and stomachache and wouldn't stop crying one day his fine and the other his worse we ran some times on him turns out his dying and we didn't notice he had couple of days left to live his parents wanted to sue us but we couldn't let that happen so we killed  the parents and let Jeremy die I feel  bad for doing this but I can't lose my job I just can't

Pictures of the parents

"Are they your parents" camila asked and the kid nodded his head so his Jeremy

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"Are they your parents" camila asked and the kid nodded his head so his Jeremy

"So your name is Jeremy" camila asked and the boy nodded his head

"You have to save them save them get out of here or else your stuck find your way out and iam here to guide you" Jeremy said

"How do I get out of this room" camila asked and Jeremy pointed at the wall she sees a key camila takes it and opens the door the room was numbered *7*

"Where is Lauren" camila said stressing

"Don't make too much noises his watching you and I know where she is follow me" Jeremy said and camila nodded her head following Jeremy camila passed room *8*9*10*11*12*13*14*15*16*17*18*19*20*21*22*23*24*25*26*27*  then stopped and pointed at the door *27* camila tried to open it but it's locked she knocks on the door

"Lolo baby are you in here" camila said and she hears a voice

"Ouch my head Camz where are we" she hears Lauren say

"I don't know baby let me try to find a key to open this door" camila said and she hears Lauren saying *ok*

"Do you know where's the key* camila asks and now she's following Jeremy again to the reception she had the flashlight on but she quickly hid from sight when she saw the same guy who they almost ran over with a massive blade walking her heart is beating fast camila took a glance to see if his gone and he's gone camila got behind the counter and looking for the key she finds door number 20,15,10,5,1 and more batteries that will come In Handy and other flashlight for Lauren camila takes them and the keys

"Which room do we start with" she asks Jeremy and Jeremy points out at the first key key number one  camila checked the rest of the drawers for anything and she finds a bottle of water camila takes the bottle of water and sees the  expiration date and it's 7/12/1973 her jaw dropped  and looking at Jeremy but didn't question it

Jeremy and camila were walking to room one and when they got there camila opened camila came face to face with two beds and a big cabin and tiny cabins next to each bed and a door to the bathroom and a letter on the bed

If your stuck here Iam sorry to inform you there isn't any escape I tried to escape but I didn't make any progress when I try to the guy with massive blade gets closer to me and I get scared I been stuck here for one week i don't know what to do if your reading this help me Iam in the third floor in the surgery section his coming for me his gonna kill me if he catches you your dead get out of here and fast I get it if you don't have a time to save me but I would appreciate it cuz I miss my family my fiancé I miss them

Allyson Brooke

Camila thought to herself oh my god it's the missing person it's ally the one who disappeared one week ago she's here I have to save her and lolo

"Camila hide now!!" Jeremy yelled

"What why and where" camila asked

"Go inside the big cabin quick his coming" Jeremy said

"What about you" camila said

"He can't see me go in quick please" Jeremy says and Camila got in

Camila hears foot steps coming in the room Jeremy wasn't In the room maybe he went to Lauren to  tell her to be quiet camila hears the foot steps disappearing and she was about to leave the cabin when she hears the bathroom door opens very hard making it hit the wall pretty hard and scaring the shit out of camila and finally the guy left the room when he heard glasses being broken he left running Camila sees a file next to her it has on it *alive*

Patient #92638#

Patient name: John Wayne Gacy

Patient sex: male

Note: this serial killer is very dangers he killed half of the people In this hospital out of revenge and for fun  you can see him but he can't see you his version doesn't work his sense of smell doesn't work how does he murder people well he listens to the foot steps of his victims so if he was near you go inside a cabin or a locker or anywhere out of his sight again his very dangerous and then Jeremy appeared out of nowhere giving camila a full on heart attack

"Sorry I forgot your human" Jeremy said

"Well duh don't do that anyways it turns out the guy is blind and doesn't have the sense of smell  either"camila said and Jeremy nodded his head

"Ok next room is 5 let's go find the key to 27 to save my girlfriend and to get ally" camila said getting out of the closet/ cabin

Can they escape with ally or without can they get through the days without water or food can they survive

Words: 1272

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