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*Edited 5/1/17*

Harry's POV:
We walked in the restaurant, and waited for Laney. We were talking about how we were slightly worried that she might run.

All of the sudden, the strong sent of blood flooded our senses. We looked at each other, panicked, then started to get up.

"Just put it on my tab." I told the waitress.

"Where's my tip?" She asked smirking, and then touched my shoulder.

I gave her a rude look.

"Here's your tip. Being that slutty will get you an STD." I smiled. Everyone around us gasped and we ran out as fast as we could.

"Someone call 911!" A person yelled. People were gathered around in the middle of the sidewalk.

We saw her on the ground with a knife in her abdomen, unresponsive.

We ran past all of the humans.

"Laney?! Laney! Wake up!" I raised my voice, worried.

Her eyes opened slightly.

"Oh. Hi." She whispered, then closed her eyes. I could hear her heart slowing down, if that was even possible by the slow rate it was before.

"LANEY! Wake up!" I yelled. I carefully picked her fragile body up.

"We have to get her in the car." Niall said.

"What?! Why would we do that when we could run there?" I said panicking at her slow breathing.

"Harry. There are humans around." He said in a low voice. I looked around and realized he was right. I had forgot all about them.

I put her in the car and we started driving to the nearest hospital.

Stupid humans. If they weren't there we could have got her there faster.

When we got there, all the doctors took her from my arms.

We tried to go back with her, but they held us back.

I went back to the waiting room, and sat with the boys, worried.

She hasn't even been here for 2 days, and she's already almost died.

I thought back to my reaction towards all this.

Jesus, what has gotten into me? She's a girl we just kidnapped, you can't be falling for her already. Maybe it's just her looks? Lust, maybe?

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