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*Edited 5/10/17*

Laney's POV:
"You should have died with your parents. Nobody loves you enough to even care."

I looked around but couldn't find where the voice was coming from.

"W-who are you? Why did you kill my parents?"

I didn't know why I asked that question...I knew they weren't murdered, but the suspicion still lingered far off in my mind.

"I did you a favor. They never loved you."

"That's not true, and you know it!" I yelled out into the darkness that surrounded me.

"If you don't believe me, just ask them." The feminine voice laughed evilly.

My eyes widened at her impossible remark and I searched the emptiness just in case they were here.


Oblivion was close, I could feel it.


I snapped my head towards the faint, frail voice.


I gasped at the scene before me. Black surrounded the figure like a blanket. A woman stepped out of the shadows with her head down. Blood covered her light blue shirt and black pin skirt.

The air was so thick that it blocked the air from getting to my lungs, like having a baseball stuck in my esophagus.

"Mom? Oh my god, mommy."

A haunting cry came from the woman that looked to be my mother.

The cry soon turned into a psychotic laugh that bounced off of every shadow.

She lifted her head to look at me.

It wasn't my mother...

Blood covered her face and her laugh made her lips turn up in a terrifying way, which revealed long canines that looked crooked and ragged. 

Before I could scream, she leaped towards me and bit my neck as hard as she could. Pain went through me like being struck by lightning.

I couldn't pull away, I was being drained so quickly.

I jolted up and sweat covered me like a second skin.

I went to catch my breath, and a sharp pain brought the memories of the nightmare back. When I looked down, I saw that my stitches were open.

I widened my eyes in alarm.

This is just great. I'm in a house full of vampires, and I'm oozing blood.

I heard, what sounded like a stampede outside my door.

The door was opened in a flash, and someone was next to me in an instant.

"I'm okay guys, it's just my stitches. They broke open." I said and looking up.

When I did, I realized it was only Niall and I in the room.....and he looked at me with crimson red taking over his pupil.

"N-Niall?" I gasped in horror.

He's going to kill me.

"Niall...calm down."


I tried to back away but my wound stopped me from doing so.

"Guys! He-"

I was interrupted when he lunged for me, and I finally found the painful strength to move.

I groaned as I stood up, and I could feel the stitches coming even more undone.

A force shoved me into the wall in front of me, and I banged my head hard enough to make me black out for a second.

Is this how I'm going to die?

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in the floor.

Niall flashed over to me and bit into my wrist without even flinching.

I screamed and tried to pull away, but it made it hurt even more.

I screamed again, and this time he covered my mouth with his other hand.

The tips of my fingers started to get cold, as well as my toes.

A pulling sensation stared to go numb in my veins.

My eyes felt so tired, so I was going to make it easy, and I closed them.

I finally felt sharp objects retract from my veins. The action caused me to flinch and my eyes to open just the slightest. I saw Niall with a panicked look and tears in his eyes.

I couldn't hear anything.

He brought his hand up to my cheek and started hitting it gently.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the door bust open, and the rest of the guys ran in.

Liam immediately tackled Niall across the room and the rest of them kneeled next to me

Then, when I thought I was going to past out completely, I felt someone's wrist on my mouth. I didn't know what was going on, until I felt a liquid go down my throat.

I flinched at the terrible taste, and groaned. I tried to move but someone just pet my hair to calm me down.

I felt strong enough to keep my heart beating, but still too weak to stay awake.

I let go into an unconscious state.

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