Chapter 3: The "Recruit"

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(Y/N)'s POV

I flicker my eyes open yawning forgetting what the hell is going on

I fully opened my eyes the sun's light hitting my eyes but i have gotten used to it since i was 15

I went to rub my eyes but...then i remembered

My eyes went wide the blood from earlier coming back as my face was now red

I took my head off the sleeping German's head as she remains asleep, her head on my shoulder

"Fuck me..."

I mutter very silently rubbing my eyes with my gloved hand

After i remove my hand from my eyes i see All the Operators, with the exception of Harry and the Crew Chief's asleep.

I wanted to ask what our current ETA Is but can't because of the sleeping woman on me...Jesus Christ I probably should've said no on that agreement...Why do they even want me?

Thankfully my lord and savior Aka The Pilot Spoke through the PA Systems waking everyone up

"We are now arriving at Hereford! We will be landing shortly!"

The operators stirred awake as they start to take in the info from the German pilot.

The German woman, who was waking up slowly slowly felt her head on my shoulder as she went wide eyes quickly sitting upright looking away from me.


She says quietly to me as I didn't know how to respond, yeah the thing she did was kind of weird but she was just tired. Besides who can not apologize to that cute voi-...SDOD! Snap out of it!

"Noted, Apology accepted."

I told The German woman as i sense that she felt slightly better but still heavily embarrassed

"Touching down!"

I hear the German Pilot say as i felt the Black Hawk touchdown as the Crew chiefs slide the doors open as we started to exit the Black Hawk.

I grabbed my bags as i look at the Base of Rainbow, got to say, looks more comfy than Fort Sanders...Ten bucks i bet this places dorms are better than ours.

As the Operators formed on Harry's Six, i was behind them Since the...pounds of gear I'm holding and if i go on front or the middle I'll just slow down the formation as we walk towards the Entrance of Hereford.

As we continue our approach i had myself daydreaming...of that day...But of course before it could go to more hell my memory shifts to a slightly better one but...still Hell


As i continue walk through Fort Sanders, I'm visiting my Former Sergeant, Captain Maddie Zoey E. Harrison. She was my former Sergeant when i was still in Force Recon and my Girlfriend, we formed our relationship throughout my career in Force Recon. She got promoted to Captain and now sits in a desk instead of holding a Rifle. But of course, I love her. We Kept our relationship a secret since it was kind of illegal and the only people who knows of me and Maddie's relationship is my Squad and former Platoon.

As i walk towards her Dorm, ready to surprise her for her upcoming promotion from Captain to Major as i held a small black box on my hand containing a wedding ring, i was filled with joy like any other men who came to propose to their girlfriends.

As i reached her office, My excitement and happiness turns into shock and confusion as i hear moaning coming from inside her office with wet slaps.

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