Chapter 14: Bonding Time Pt.2

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(Y/N)'s POV

Me, Monika, Eliza, and Ela we're invited to a Local Pub's opening. Of course i had to tell Eliza and Ela who i really was and the results are odd...Very Odd.

Monika had my arm in her grasp while Ela and Eliza look at her in jealously. Jeez these girls are Jealous.  I already had my Mask off since they know who i am.

As we reach the entrance of the Pub, we now see both British Military Personal along with multiple U.S. Marines from Fort Sanders. I smile, seeing plenty of familiar faces as Monika lets go. 

As we Now Enter the Pub i was instantly recognized

"Hey! Staff Sarge Hunter is here!"

Almost Every U.S. Marine raises there Beer at me as i smile, they start to cheer for me for making it to rainbow

"Settle down you Lot!"

I told the Marines as they all chuckle and calm down. I turn to the Three Girls.

"Go have fun, I'm gonna talk with my Men."

I told them as i now walk off to the table where my Team was sitting

"So (Y/N), How was Rainbow?"

Derrick Asks me as he handed me a cup of Beer.

"Interesting, believe or not i met half of those Operators before."

I told Derrick as I sat down on a chair.

"How are things going at Sanders?"

I ask My team as cheeky grins appear on there faces.

"Well Sir, After the Whole entire base heard you Made it to Rainbow they planned to make a surpi-"

"Oi! Shut it you Mongrol!"

I smile Recognizing the Voice as i turn behind me to see Lt. Anderson Davis. Leader of Fireteam Echo of S.D.O.D. And a good friend. He was an American-Australian Man from the Plains of Sydney and Texas.

"Hey Anderson! Fuck man its been awhile!"

I tell him as he chuckles, sitting with us.

"It sure has been (Y/N), So i see you got yourself three girlfriends."

He says as i instantly blush with my Squad getting there grins more cheeky.

"Sir you did not tell me your in a Harem!"

Samuel says as i Blush Instantly.

"Fuck you All, and there not my Girlfriends, there just friends of mine from Rainbow."

I tell them as Johnathan Chuckles.

"Your mouth says no but your face says something else."

He says, refferring to my blushing face as they burst out laughing.

"Oh fuck you!"

I tell them as i soon joined in laughing.

"What am i Missing here?"

Monika Joins in as we all turn to Here.

"Boys, this is Monika Weiss, certified Badass of Rainbow."

I tell the Marines as they shook hands with her.

"Nice to meet you Ma'am."

"Welcome to the Pub Ma'am."

"Pleasure to meet you ma'am, I'm glad (Y/N) Has a Girlfriend now.'

As soon Johnathan says that i blush and glared at him as Monika now blushes, making her look like a tomato.

"U-Uhhh No! He's Just my Best Friend!"

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