Chapter 16: New Home And Recovery pt.1

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(Sorry for the slooowwww process i am writing...How much published books did i have again? I think it was nineteen or twenty but yeah its getting slow so bare with me)

Monika's POV

I sat silently beside (Y/N)'s Bed. Every Operator from Rainbow was with me, sitting in chairs or standing up. The Operators who never seen (Y/N)'s face before was shock but they got used to it, some of them claiming they Met him before. We haven't seen Six for awhile and the Marines in Sanders gave us a whole building dedicated to us.

I stare silently at the unconscious (Y/N) as i felt tears stroll down my face. 

The doors to the Medical bay Open as we all turn to see a Three of Marines being stopped by a nurse and a Doctor.

"Let me see him for God sake!"

One of them say as i recognize the voice as Samuel from the Party a few days ago

"I'm sorry but we're full capacity for Visitors!"

The Doctor says as the Three Marines notice us.

"Full capacity my ass."

I see Samuel show something to the Doctor and Nurse which i could not see but it looked like an I.D.

The Doctor and Nurse step aside for the three Marines as they now enter the Medical bay. 

We let them be with us as Samuel Notices Thatcher.

"Mr. Baker Sir, I'm sorry about your son."

Samuel says as Mike forms a small reassuring smile.

"Thank you."

Mike Says silently as Samuel sighs a bit.

"You know...(Y/N) Doesn't like to show his face very much."

He says as we all look at him confused.


Ela asks quietly as Samuel looks down while crossing his arms.

"...He's been through a lot for a young age, every night we can hear him cry in his sleep."

We look confused as on why an Grown and Elite Operator was crying.

"You see...It wasn't always us four. There we're fourteen of us...All ten Died from combat, The Mask's attacks kept ramping it up. Then, (Y/N) Found himself a lover. She was a Fellow Marine, they we're dating for two years, (Y/N) Was supposed to propose to her but...He caught her cheating on him, it didn't help with his Depression and PTSD At all. We...caught him many times trying to kill himself, first it was cutting his arm with his knife, then it got worst. He tried to jump off a building two months ago and he placed the Barrel of His pistol on the side of the head..."

 We all stare in shock, hearing what Samuel says.

"...He's been through a lot..."

We all stayed silent, taking in the information as tears we're in our eyes. From what Samuel said...None of us can't go through what he experienced.

"Fireteam Alpha, Please report to SDOC for immediate Tasking."

A radio from Samuel rings out as he grabs it, responding.


We all look at him in confusion, the hell is SDOC?

"Oh, sorry. We have to go...Ummmm...The uh States Division Operations Command needs us."

He says as they quickly leave. We all look at each other in confusion. We never heard an SDOC Before.

I turn back to (Y/N), looking at his face...I can't loose him again...I just can't...

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