Chapter 7: "Your...Familiar." Pt. 1

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(Y/N)'s POV

"You called me Sir?"

I asked, entering Harry's office as he gave me a nod. I was still in my gear after the Simulations and I switched my ammo back to the Modified 5.56 Quill made. He motioned me to take a seat on a chair in front of his desk as i sat down, placing my rifle on my lap but making sure the barrel doesn't touch the ground. If it touches the ground, I better be dead.

"Yes, Mr. Hunter i noticed something...Odd about you. The Marine Corps didn't send me Information about you, The CIA Says that all of your information is Classified on a U.S. President Type Classification. I also noticed some things during your Simulations, You we're caught speaking in Different Accents in our CCTV To different Operators, You set new records for all Simulations, Your Fast and Precise, And not to mention you seem to be familiarized with half of the Operators. Not to mention, there were multiple Operators during simulation on your side and they just vanished. Would you explain?"

He asks me with a suspicious tone as i suspected this question.

"Well sir, I was an CIA Contractor for awhile now giving Info to you guys. And being that the CIA Assists Rainbow Six now since the Masks being ramping it up, CIA Trained us to be specialized in all Situations Including Language, Vehicles, and Weapons. And for the Operators, DARPA Gave me a parting gift for the Me after during an CIA Operations. The gadget i have is Mk. 10 Special, Tactical, Enhanced, Multi-Tasking Drone, Or MK.10 S.T.E.M. Drone. The drones are given special Advanced Abilities including a Hologram projective Tactical System or H.P.T.S. They Project Holograms of U.S. Operators to confuse and spread fear to the enemy to make them think its multiple U.S. Operators but in reality is just either four or one Operators."

I lied about everything i said Except The S.T.E.M. Drones Capabilities. Six gave me a questionable look but let it slide.

"I see...Well then, get changed and get some rest. Dismissed."

I gave him a nod and stood up from the chair and exited Harry's office as i exited the Office


Monika's POV

As the hot water hit my body, i continued to shower after the Simulation. Hunter really Impressed me but...I felt like i met him before...He calms me every time he was around me.

As i continued to shower, i heard the door of my Dorm Opening.

"Monika? You here?"

I hear Hunter ask outside the bathroom as i responded.

"In here!"

I finished my shower as i turned it off and grabbed a towel, drying myself with it as i wrapped the towel around my body as i exited the Bathroom, i then notice Hunter sitting down on a chair beside the dining table. He had taken off His Operator gear, now wearing Jeans, Boots, A Black Shirt, His balaclava, and a Tactical Cap with the American Flag Patch on the cap as he was placing new Rounds onto His Rifle Magazine. As he noticed me he went stiff as i Watch his eyes widen as i giggle at his expression.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, Eyes are here buddy."

I told Hunter as he looks away from me.

"U-Uhhh Sorry Ma'am-Captai-Ms.- I mean Monika! Sorry i didn't mean to stare..."

He says Awkwardly, Shy, and innocently as i chuckle a bit.

"Its Fine, I'm just teasing you. Just look away from me, i need to change."

I told Hunter as he gave me a nod while still looking away as i put on My operator Clothing except my Gear as i grab a chair and Sat beside Hunter who looked away from in shame while placing his Magazines back into His Plate Carriers Pouches as i form a small smile, From being An Operator with Multiple Skills, he acts so...I can't even find the word.

"Hey Hunter, Its Alright."

I told Hunter as he shifts his gaze on me.

"Fuck me...I don't want to feel like a pervert or an Asshole. This is your dorm and this is my Only Second day in Hereford."

He tells me as i place my Hand on his shoulder.

"Its your second day...And I'm already your Friend Aren't i? Its Alright Hunter..."

I try to comfort him but...This wasn't me...Hunter...Hunter...Wait...

Before i could ask him something, there was a knock on the door as we all shift our gaze to the Door.

"Its open, come in!" I yelled as Tachanka enters.

"Ah, Comrade Monika, I'm here to Pick up our Comrade Hunter as a celebration at My Dorm. You are welcome to Join Comrade Monika."

Tachanka says as i formed a small smile wile giving him a nod.

"I'll be there later."

But before Hunter could say anything he was carried out the dorm easily by Tachanka.

Hunter...It can't be...He's dead...Isn't he?

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