Chapter 15: The Attack

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(Y/N)'s POV

My peace and quiet was cutoff by the Alarm clock blaring as i turned it off, groaning. I felt like shit and felt good at the same time as i open my eyes.

I look down to see myself Naked with Monika beside me Naked too. I blushed, looking at the scene as Monika wakes up Too.


She says tiredly as she also blush.

"Uhhh...Did we?"

I motion to the clothes in the ground as she shook her head.

"No, No, after we confessed we got drunk.  So drunk that we passed out before we did anything..."

She says as a small smile formed on my face.

I gave her a kiss as she returned it, confirming that we we're drunk from the taste of alcohol. We part our lips.

"I Love you (Y/N)..."

She says as i return with a

"Love you too..."

After we cleaned up, we got dressed as i finish placing on my shirt.

"Maybe i should take you Mountain Climbing for our date."

I told Monika as she puts on her Hoodie.

"I'd Love tha-"

She was cutoff as the base rumbles with the sound of an explosion going off.

"What the fuck?!?!"

I say as the lights now Blared red.


The voice of Six can be heard as i curse.

"Shit...Monika! Get to the Armory! I'll move to Defense Position Alpha!"

I told Monika as she hesitated but soon rushed out of the dorm as i reached for my gear displayed on the table.

I placed on my Plate carrier, attaching my belt and holster. I placed on my Balaclava and Helmet as i also grab an M50 Gas Mask just in case, attaching it to my belt.

I rushed out while grabbing my rifle as gunfire erupted outside.

As soon i reached outside i Watch Rainbow Recruits, Operators, and Military Police Fire against Multiple White Mask Personal and Technical as i rushed to sandbags with Monika and Mike.

As i reached the Sandbags i aimed my rifle.

"How the hell do they know where Hereford Was?!?!"

I ask Mike as i gun downed a Mask holding an Ak.

"I have no idea!"

He says as we returned fire to the Multiple Masks.

I shot a Mask in the head as i quickly turn to another who was about to shoot Eliza.

I watch Ela get shot in the stomach as my eyes widen. I quickly rushed to Ela, dodging the gunfire as i grab her.

"You'll be alright!"

I told Ela as i rushed to Doc.

"Take care of her!"

I told Doc as he nods, placing Ela on a Stretcher as i shot a Mask rushing towards Craig.

I rushed Back to Monika and Mike as a bullet Grazed my Arm.

"SHIT! Fuck Me!"

I Exclaimed as i switch my comms channel to USMC-SDOD Comms.

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