Chapter 5: First Day pt. 2

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Year: Unknown

(Y/N)'s POV

"M-Mom, D-D-Dad? W-Where are you?"

I called out through the bloodied, dark, hallway from the security office. Bodies with the mix of Civilians, security personal, and British Police. Bullet holes all around the wall in bodies as i keep crying and sobbing quietly. I-It was supposed to be a happy day...

I quickly hide behind the desk of the security office, monitors on the ground and a body of security officer. He had a Glock 19 in his hand and i held it in my hands when i arrived at the security office...Dad said its the safest place for me...


My eyes widen as i quickly turn to a cracked monitor, revealing CCTV Footage of the lobby...Mom and Dad surrounded by People in White Masks as the men in masks brutally rip of her clothes and starts raping her.


I start to breath heavily at the sight of Mom being raped as i fell to my knees in shock.


I watch in Horror as Mom begs for the men...Not men...Monsters to stop while my Father, trapped in zip ties, struggles to escape and rescue mom...


 I see Dad break loose of the zip ties and quickly grabbed one of the men with an AK-47 As Dad shoots the man. He proceeds to gun down the masks but...Mom was shot by one of the masks...I watch my Father's expression turn from shock into anger as he quickly fires at the last masks, but was quickly gun downed by the last one. 

As i shake violently at the sight of my Parent's death. I broke down, screaming, sobbing, and crying as i lay on the floor...Everyone i gone...

Time passes and i laid there, a crying mess. I didn't want to look back at the CCTV Footage, fearing to see there bodies...

As i continue to sob silently on the floor, i start to hear voices coming from the monitor but didn't bother to look at it.

"Fuck...We're too late..."

A man in a British accent was heard from the monitor while another one responds.

"Fuck...This is Bravo Six, we have multiple Civilian KIA'S. Attackers are unknown at this time, all we know they wear white masks. Over."

There was a pause until the same was heard again

"Copy. Callahan, Baker, search the security office for survivors. Everyone else, on me."



"Copy that."


A mix of voices can be heard as i start to hear footsteps growing louder to my current position as i brace for my death. I checked the Glock but to my horror, it was completely out. I start to sob louder again, dropping the Glock to the floor, prepared for my upcoming death...

"What the...Fuck, Bravo six. We got a survivor...its a kid."

A voice can be heard behind me as i refused to look...What do i have to live in this world? My whole family is dead, my friends who were with me are probably dead...We're all dead.

I felt myself being picked up as i now look to see an Man with a Gas Mask, S.A.S. Gear, and had a rifle on his back as he starts to carry my crying mess.

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