Chapter 18: The Discovery Pt.1

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(Alright, after nearly getting suffocated by my co author in my sleep by her cuddles for the 56th fucking time *glares at her*

Co Author: *Nervous chuckle*

Anyways I'll start focus on this book after the brain damage i had with the MLP Fanfic I'm writing)

(Y/N)'s POV

I felt everything below my waist aching as i groan with a massive headache. I can't remember anything, last thing i remember was Monika kissing me...

I heard the rain hitting the roof as i quickly remember where i was at but i can't remember anything else...

I immediately taste alcohol in my Mouth as i slowly open my eyes and sat up to see the dark room being lit by a spotlight outside the building by the night sky. I turn to my side to see...Monika asleep, naked as i quickly remember what happened. Shortly after Monika took off her shirt she pulled out alcohol she smuggled in and we drank and...the rest is history. I look around the room to see our clothing spread across the floor with empty bottles of alcohol everywhere.

She felt me moving as i see her wake up, she slowly formed a small smile as i did too.

"Sorry i woke you up."

I told her quietly as she gave me a peck to the lips.

"Its okay Baby...Damn, five times nonstop..."

(Co Author: Reminds me of-

WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT HERE-wait why are you even typing here you don't have to be here, you aren't helping me with this one

Co Author: I'm here for the lemon remember


She says exhausted as i chuckle and lay back down beside Monika. I will never forget about this night ever.

I felt her lay her head on my chest while cuddling me as i wrap my arms around her. Rubbing her cute face as she snuggles comfortably on my chest. Both of us with small smiles as i smiled happily.

"You have no idea how long i waited for this moment..."

She tells me quietly as i kissed her forehead.

"Me too..."

We we're both dense, there was always signs but...We never noticed it when we we're younger. But this was the best thing that ever happened to me...I found my long lost Best Friend and turns out we always had a crush with one another...There's nothing that can ruin this moment.

All of the sudden she sits on my lap still naked as i smirk.

"Not done yet?"

I ask her as she smirks evilly as she plants her lips on mine.

(I thought i would never say this soon in this book Lemon Inbound. Babe, just do what you do best

Co Author: YESSSSSS)

I felt my manhood stand in attention on her pussy as she continue to kiss me as i ignore the pain from my injuries. I felt our tongues fight for dominance as she positions herself on me, her womanhood directly above my manhood.

She slowly lowers herself down as she moans while kissing me, her tight, wet and hot insides grinding on my manhood.

(I am so sorry readers

Co Author: I'm Not >:)

God help me)

She moans more as we part our lips for air, her breathing heavily as she slowly starts to move. She moans, her tongue out from the goodness we both felt as i groan in pleasure.

I grasped my heads on her Chests, squeezing it as she moans more while chuckling.

"L-Liking the view i see...~"

She says seductively as she starts to go in a rhythm, slowly moving faster.

(Not gonna lie and thank god, your losing your touch

Co Author: Its hard Writing when your wet



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Hehehe...I'm not sleeping tonight aren't i.

Co Author: Yup)

I started to move Faster along with her, making her moan more as i kept going.

"F-Fich, your so big~"

She says quietly as she starts to go faster and faster. I felt myself close to come inside her.

"I-I'm cumming!~"

"Me Too!~"

We came in unison as i cover her mouth to not wake everyone on base again as she muffled screams in pleasure as i filled her insides with my juices. We both breath heavily as she gets off me and lays beside me, my juices flowing out of her as she turns to me.

"L-Lets call it a night...You don't quit~"

She says as i chuckle and french kissed her...

(Lemon End, thank god

Co Author: Finish this Chapter and go to the bedroom. Thats an Order.



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Location: Unknown, Somewhere in England

Six can be seen wearing a bag on his head as a SDOD Marine can be seen preparing an Injection.

"This Bastard is going to forget everything about Us and Hunter."

The Marine says to the camera as he prepares to inject the Syringe inside him until he felt something under his skin. The SDOD Marine felt it and realized. It was a tracker, it was placed there incase Six got captured by the Masks but the SDOD Never knew of it.


The SDOD Marine was cutoff as the Elevator opens revealing Blackbeard in the security room.


The Security team was knocked out by Craig as he sees the uniform.

"These guys again..."

Meanwhile an SDOD Marine can be seen burning files in the furnace room as the underground Blacksite is being evacuated.

All of the sudden the Marine was knocked out by Valkyrie, she grabs one of the files as she notices a familiar face and name on it.

"Wait...Guys i found something...Isn't this Ghost's Marine teammate?" 

(Pray for me)

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