Chapter 17: New Home and Recovery pt.2

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Monika's POV

I sat silently beside (Y/N), i kept looking at him with tears in my eyes. Then my attention shifts back to Hereford, how did they find out? There's no way they could have known where we are...

"Do you got any orange slices?"

My eyes widen as i turn back to (Y/N) to see him awake with a small smile. I gasped then hugged him in an instant as i felt him hug back.

"Gott i was so worried..."

I told (Y/N) as i felt tears of joy stroll down my face.

"It's okay Monika, I'm here, I'm here..."

(Y/N)'s POV

A few Hours Later.

I walked out the Medbay with crutches as Monika was beside me, making sure i don't fall. Turns out my legs also got hit by Shrapnel so it'll be awhile until I'm Combat Ready. I look around with a smile to see my Old Base, Marines doing random shit such as marching, exercise, target practice, cleaning vehicles, everything.

"Where's Six?"

I ask Monika as we walk towards Rainbow's temporary Building, an Old Cold War intelligence office and Barracks.

"I haven't seen him since Hereford, he is probably talking to your superiors or some government Officials about the attack."

She says as i nod to her then continued walking. As we enter the Building we we're met with Ela talking to Zofia, when they saw me their eyes widen.

"O-Oh Hey Ghost...Ummmm Monika can we talk with him alone?"

Monika reluctantly agrees as she walks into a room and closes the door behind her as the two sisters turn to me.

"Why didn't you tell us it was you (Y/N)?"

Ela asks as i sighed, i remember Meeting Zofia with a Joint Operation with the Polish Military with the U.S. Marines. They we're both my friends, at least before.

"I...I'm not sure, I wasn't in the right mind."

I told The Sisters as Zofia places her hand on my shoulder.

"Its okay...We understand, we're here for you (Y/N)."

She says as i nod and i glance back to Ela, deciding to switch the mood.

"So Ela, do you still have that crush on me?"

When those words left my mouth she blushed heavily while Zofia's Eyes Widen and stares at Ela in shock.


Zofia screams at Ela as i laugh at the two sisters. I found out Ela had a crush on me when i served with her and she blushed Heavily. I eventually agreed with her that we should Remain best friends since back then the SDOD Didn't really allow Relationships with other nationalities besides Americans but a few months before i joined Rainbow they lifted up that protocol.

"Anyways, I'll just catch up with Monika. See you guys later."

I say as i enter the door to see a hallway, i walked down the hallway and turned to some stairs but to my surprise i see Eliza sitting on the stairs reading a book. When she sees me her eyes brighten up.

"Oh, Hey (Y/N)."

She says, i could tell she was hiding something from me. I sighed as i sat beside her as she finally realize i could tell. She sighs, putting the book in her lap as she looks down.

"I...I never said thank you that Night..."

Back Then...

Eliza's POV

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