Chapter 8: "Your Familiar..." Pt.2

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Fireteam Alpha, SITREP."

"All Clear Here, Fireteam Charlie and Bravo Successfully Extracted Target."

I say through My Comms as Me and my Team Awaited or Extraction. This is our 25th Operation ever since the creation of SDOD. As i wait for our Extraction deep in the forest, I look down the Ridge to see a small Town. The German Town was peaceful, People walking around not thinking that an White Mask Ops was Happening Outside there peaceful town. We managed to take out the Mask Convoy carrying Lethal Gas moving to Berlin. Rainbow was about to Respond until Fireteam Echo Deleted the Intel of the Convoy. Rainbow still doesn't know we exist so its our Luck.

As we wait for a bit i turn to my Fireteam Leader and Best Friend, Lt. Jake Ramirez. Lt. Jake Ramirez was a special addition to the SDOD, He was an Army Ranger but since his history with the Corps, he was also selected for the SDOD. Of Course the SDOD Is also Called Alpha Corps, The SDOD Is one of Many U.S. Spec Ops Units like Delta Force, Bravo Force, Charlie Corps, And Many More.

"Alright, We should be in the Clear-"

Before Jake could finish his Sentence Gunshots erupted nearby us as the surviving Masks Ambushed Us.


We start to engage the Hostiles but everything Blacked Out for me after an RPG Hit right beside me.

I woke up in the Osprey, groaning in pain as i look around the Osprey to see everyone have a sad Expression...And Lt. Ramirez no where to be seen.


I ask Quinn as he looks at me and shook his head...He was Gone...


Present Time

As the Russian Operators started to sing Russian Music drunk as hell i smirk a bit, Even though i had more Vodka than all of them I'm still sober, i can thank my squad for the training with Vodka.

Seeing that there flat our drunk and won't remember shit i removed my Headgear and Balaclava as i took another sip of the Glass of Vodka. Tomorrow i got my Leave request Accepted by Six, I told him i want to explore the area a bit but in reality I will be briefed on a C-130 In a Public Airport. SDOD Command Has spotted one of the White Masks Leadership deep in London, Fireteam Zulu will be joining me and My Squad for this Op.

As the Russians Collapse on the ground, passed out from the vodka i chuckle a bit. These Russians know how to party hard, I'm sure my team would love them.

As i took another sip of the Vodka the door opened, i glanced at the doorway to see Monika.

"Am i late for the party?"

She asks as she enters but stops at the sight of me without my mask without my Headgear, well the Vodka did affect me a bit, I forgot I removed my Headgear.

"Eh, Russians passed out but there's a few vodka left."

I told her as i took another sip of the Vodka i had in my hand. She starts to slowly approach me, examining My face as i look at her, confused of her actions.


Then it kicked in, I touch my face to confirm my fears. My Mask was gone.

"Well...This is-"


She asks me as i look at her confused, she knows me? But...

"(Y/N)...Y-You don't remember me?"

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