Short Chapter: First Night

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(Y/N)'s POV

As i finish placing on a long sleeve black shirt, i sighed looking at the bathroom mirror. It was night and i the Simulations start tomorrow...But its also the first night I'm sleeping with Monika.

"Relax (Y/N)...Its gonna be fine...Its like sleeping back in that Foxhole with my team squished againts me...It'll be fine..."

I mutter to myself as i got ready for my sleep. I was wearing Black tank top, Black Shorts and of course, my balaclava. Monika already fell asleep a few hours ago and i got my things setup for tomorrow.

I opened the bathroom door slowly as i look at the Bed to see Monika asleep, wearing a green german police shirt and...tight shorts...what is with Women in this base with tight bottoms?!?!

I blushed a bit but mentally smacked myself in the dick as i approach the bed. I layed on the other side of the bed as i slowly place the blanket over me as i see Monika's back in front of me as i relax a bit.

I then closed my eyes and drifted to sleep...

Monika's POV

I gasped sitting up the bit, waking up in cold sweat. I start to slow my breathing as the same Nightmare about that day happened again...

I then turned to the other side of the bed to see Ghost fast asleep, weaing his balaclava and facing me. Even though it was night the spotlights outside made it visible. I got to see more oh Ghost's features.

After moving my eyes away from his 'Sexual Features' He had a Tattoo on both Biceps, his right bicep had an Tattoo of The USMC's Logo while the left one had an American flag. Then it was the most shocking part. There we're scars all over him, from his neck and arms...with Cuts on the wrist...many of them...He cut himself...Why didn't i notice it when i was at the Gym...

As i continue to examine the multiple scars and cuts i start to drift to sleep after staring at it for Hours which i didn't notice. But...i didn't want that nightmare again...i just can't.

I lay back down on the bed and wrapping my arms around him as i blushed beavily. But it felt...nice...

A small smile forms in my face as i drift to sleep. Finally getting a peaceful Night's rest.

(Y/N)'s Dream

I was Crawled up in a ball, crying my eyes out as i kept watching the sight of my Parent's murder. I was covered in blood and instead of being my younger self i was in my current age, wearing my full MARPAT Woodland Fatigues and gear as i was forced to aatch it again and again.

"S-Stop...please...god please stop it..."

I mutter to myself as i try to close my eyes but can't as i watch the murder.

"Stop...GOD STOP!!!"

I yelled out as all of the sudden i felt myself able to move and the sight of the murder dissapears as i see myself sitting on the ledge of an cliff, a waterfall beside it overlooking a forest as i look down to myself to see i was wearing my Dress Blues. I then finally notice a woman sitting beside me wearing a White elegant wedding dress as her face was covered by the white veil with our hands holding eachother as i look in confusion at the woman but...felt peace.

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