The Knock-Up Stream!

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"Ya know, (y/n)," Luffy said out of nowhere, looking at me as we ran through the trees this time. I rose a brow, signaling him to continue, but he was already distracted by some bug on a tree. THIS IS THE THIRD TIME HE'S DONE THIS! I tried to calm myself down, tugging his arm. "C'mon Luffy! We need to get to the others on time! I'm afraid of what Nami will do if we're late.." I told him. He did a little 'oh right' and we started out again. "So anyway, (y/n)," he called for my attention once again, only for me to see him crouching down near some weird mushrooms so he could poke at them.

"THAT'S IT!" I screamed, kicking him and sending him flying. Too bad I sent him flying in the direction of the ocean. "OI OI OI! Help me I'm gonna die!" he yelled, stretching his rubber arms out and grabbing.. ME?! He pulled me to where he was, literally on the verge of falling into the sea, with me, a devil fruit user, and him, also a devil fruit user. "LUFFY YOU IDIOT! WHY DIDN'T YOU GRAB A TREE?!" I cried out in despair, grabbing onto the edge of the abrupt coast. His arms were wrapped around my backpack clad torso while he looked down at the blue salty water.

"Oh yea, I forgot about that," he hummed, smiling dumbly at me. I would facepalm if I wasn't hanging on for dear life. One of his arms let go of me so that it could stretch and reach a tree, pulling us both up. I smacked him upside the head and huffed. "You're the one who kicked me over the edge! You can swim anyway so we would have been fine!" he reasoned, picking his nose with an unamused expression.

"Luffy, we would be as good as dead. I've eaten a devil fruit," I stated. He froze in time for a second, then his brain gears started working and his eyes almost bulged out of his skull, "EHHH?! WE ALMOST DIED (Y/N)! THAT WAS A CLOSE ONE!" he shouted, all of a sudden stressed. I smacked him again for being so slow. "Well anyway, what's your power?" he asked. I facepalmed. Well I guess this guy has probably been way closer to death than just dumb situations like this one. "I'm a metal woman," I said, shrugging. His eyes turned to stars and he held his fists up in excitement. "You're a robot (y/n)?!"

I sighed and shook my head. "No you weirdo. I can just change into some kind of alloy that I have yet to fully understand as of right now. I could be a combination of-" "Show me! Show me! Show me!" He chanted with his fists in the air. He's such a strange guy, but I think the other two of the comedic trio would do the same. I activated my devil fruit, effectively turning into an unknown silver metal alloy. "AMAZING~~~! So this is why he said you're a good bodyguard~~!" he sang. I laughed, "Sure, now let's get back to the rest of them." He nodded firmly and we started running again. Well, until he stopped, shouting about a Hercules beetle and running off to who knows where. Sadly, I had to chase after him. I was getting a work out over here! He had gold and I had so much heavy things in my bags!


I was practically hyperventilating when we got back to the rest of them. "We did it~~~~!" the ebony male called out to the rest of them. Nami started yelling about how we were late but Luffy just held up the beetle that he and I caught on the way here. "Hercules!" he stated proudly.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU TWO DOING?!" Nami, Zoro, and Usopp screeched at the same time. I sweatdropped. I'll admit, he did get me caught up on catching that thing. Trees have fallen due to our destructiveness. I pray for them.

Luffy didn't pay any attention to them, however, and looked right at the ship. I did too, confused as to why the Merry had a rooster/chicken thing going on with the figurehead that was supposed to be a sheep. The captain was very satisfied with it though, saying it looked like it could fly. Usopp agreed with him and I walked closer to the group, standing beside Nami, even if she scares me a little. She was looking at the ship with a concerned expression, for some reason. Alright maybe she had a reason.

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