Gear 5... Probably?

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oh boy. i just ate way too much guac.

"Are you... kidding me?" I sighed in exhaustion. There was concrete covering the entrance to the next floor. There was no way I was this deep underground. Did I get lost trying to find my way out of the flames?

I leaned my hands onto my knees and huffed. This is ridiculous! But I still want to live! I huffed twice as loud as before and held my fist above my head. "Concrete is nothing to you, (y/n)!" I pep talked myself and then squatted down. With that, I pushed off the floor with as much strength as I could. I punched through an insane number of foundation-type layers for the island before my fist punched through to a pocket of air. That's where my momentum ended. I grabbed onto the concrete with my outstretched hand, then pulled myself into said pocket of air. Seems to be an open area.

"Ah, the performance floor?" I thought aloud, taking in my surroundings. How lucky am I? Clearly not very lucky since I've been running away from the fire this whole time, but hey, let's not pay that any mind.

I flopped onto my back and groaned, releasing my devil fruit. That was the least graceful I've ever fought. I can't believe I took a nap afterwards. What if I never woke up again? No one would be able to find me in that room, that's for sure. Not to mention, I'd be dead next to a damn CP0 agent. No one would know I won. How embarrassing. What if I saw him at the gates of hell since we would have died around the same time.

It was around five minutes after I laid down that I noticed some heavy breathing nearby. Not from a deep sleep, but fatigue. Like someone just ran a marathon. "Anybody there?" I called out. Could it have been an enemy? Yea. I don't care. I'm delirious right now.

There was a second of heavy breathing before I heard, "Is that your voice, Princess?"

I laughed, though it did hurt to do so. "Yea! Is that you, Kid?" I asked.

"Damn right!" he yelled, which was punctuated by a fit of coughs. Seems like he's beat up.

"Weren't you fighting Big Mom with Law? Judging from the fact that you aren't being chased and blown up by the Yonko, I'd say you two won," I concluded.

A bit of shuffling came to the left of me, where I was hearing Kid's voice. I shifted my head to look at the guy. What I saw was actually Law instead of the redhead. "Yea, we threw her out of the island," he answered. He propped his upper body up against one of his raised knees.

I looked at the rock next to him instead of looking him in the eyes. I'm pretty sure that kiss was not something I made up. He kissed me almost fully on the lips last time I saw him. "Oh, that's great. Glad one monster is dead," I said.

His eyes stayed on me from what I could tell from the small amount of his face I could see. A little more shuffling happened in his direction, which turned out to be Kid sitting up. "You look like you been through worse than us somehow," the redhead laughed.

My eyebrow twitched. "Okay, you guys look like shit still. Don't give that to me," I said. Kid laughed at that too, then his eyes moved to gaze at the hole to the rooftop. He seemed somewhat concerned.

"If Kaido comes down, I don't think I'll have the ability to fight back," Law voiced.

"Have some faith," I hummed. "Plus, I could totally keep going."

Fighting could be heard all around us still. A few minutes of us just reclaiming our energy passed. They were soon interrupted by a rumbling from the rooftop. From what I could see from my position, a blast of fire came through the rooftop hole not too far from us. The sound of people scurrying around and fire spreading followed.

Kaido descended from the hole in his dragon form. He demanded for Momonosuke to be brought to him for a surrender to ensue. The old man Hyo and his gang asked where Luffy was. I opened my ears for that answer. "I'm sorry that it ended in such a boring way," the dragon man sighed. "Straw Hat Luffy died."

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