On My Own

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Sanji><Zoro TikTok? Not allowed on my fyp. I don't support popularity competitions between characters because they don't matter when Super Chopper>Everyone.

(sorry it took so long to update)


I wiggled ferociously, looking at the mirror that was now only reflecting my crocodile tear covered face while mochi was surrounding my upper body.

"FUCK YOU, KATAKURI!" I yelled to no one since he couldn't hear me from the mirror dimension anymore.

You might be thinking: Weren't we just in the mirror dimension? The answer to that would be yes unless your fiancé decided to remove you from the premises by throwing you through a mirror.

The problem here is that I was thrown into a horrible mirror. My room in the FALLEN Cake Chateau. When I flew through the mirror, I fell into the cake wall across the room. Why am I always encased in something stupid?

I struggled out from my hole, and then morphed blades into my torso to cut through the mochi holding my arms to my sides. I punched a hole through the cake room's wall and sat on the outside of the dessert building. Everything was a mess. The town's people were trying to clean their ruined homes and dig people out of the cake. On the bright side, I couldn't see any of Big Mom's children on the island. They must all be after the Sunny. It's kind of hard to see though, considering its pretty late into the night.

The only real thing that was horrible about this situation was... well... how am I supposed to get back to the ship? Or even that one chocolate island Sanji's on? I'm quite literally back at the starting line.

Deciding that standing here probably wasn't going to help me, I jumped off of the Chateau and into the town.

"Eh? Were you stuck in the cake, too?" some random kid asked me after she spotted me land.

I turned to look at her, "Mhm, I was super stuck. I had to eat my way though, and stuff."

"Oh wow! I wish I could do that," she gasped.

I waved my hand, "Yea, yea. Hey, do you know if there's any boats I could take on the island? Or if there's any left over Tarte Ships?"

The girl shook her head, "No bu-"

A woman ran up behind the kid and picked her up, holding her to her chest. The woman was staring at me with a very alarmed look on her face. "A-aren't you part of the Straw Hats? The ones wo did this to us with Bege?"

"Nope, I'm Katakuri's fiancé now. Pay no mind to my past, I love being part of Big Mom's crew," I casually told the lady.

She seemed to lose her guard a little, considering she stopped tensing up her shoulders. "I... I did hear about that.... Then... then why were you looking for a boat? You know that no one is allowed to leave unless permitted," she further questioned.

"Well, don't tell anyone this but..." I shuffled up to her and whispered, "There's actually a plan to bring a cake to Big Mom so she doesn't keep destroying everything. Pudding is making it, she told me so."

She gasped, "Really?! That's great! I'm so glad... Does that mean you're trying to head there to help?"

I nodded, "Of course! I'm a great baker!" I'm actually not very good at baking. It's edible, but it'll never be Sanji level.

"Then I think there's some Tarte Ships at the coast near the end of town. I'm sure they'll let you board if you tell them that!" she said enthusiastically.

"Thanks, you're amazing," I gave her a thumbs up and ran through town, looking at all of the damage we technically helped cause. I feel kind of bad lying to her with how nice she was. I'm sure the guilt will pass when I get the hell out of here.

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