The Next Step 🔑

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"Thank you, Amsterdam! You've been amazing tonight and we love you so much. Goodnight!" Julie spoke into her microphone before exiting the stage.

"Ah! We did it!" Julie ran to give the guys a group hug.

"Another world tour under our belts. I'm so proud of you guys." Alex spoke as they continued their group hug.

"Are you kidding? Alex, you've grown so much this year with your music!" Reggie then frowned, "The only regret I have so far is us not getting to play a country song."

"We compromised in Nashville and did a cover of Life Is A Highway. That's all you're getting." Luke sighed.

"Yeah and you pouted the whole time leading up to it." Reggie crossed his arms.

Julie giggled at the boys, "Okay, well, I'm proud of all of us. This tour has been amazing."

Just then their tour manager, Steve, entered the green room while clapping his hands together, "Bravo! What a finale you guys had out there!"

"Thanks, Steve." Luke grinned.

"Yeah, you've been an awesome tour manager the past six months." Alex budded in.

"Oh, please," Steve scoffed, "you guys have been great to work with. By the way, your car is waiting outside to bring you to the airport."

As soon as Steve left the green room, the band went to their own separate dressing rooms to freshen up and change out of their stage outfits.

Julie had been taking off her makeup in front of the mirror when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind.

"Hey." Julie smiled at Luke through the reflection.

"Hey." Luke mumbled against her skin as he placed gentle kisses along her shoulder.

"How are you feeling?"

Julie knew Luke had to be bummed about tour ending. He was one of those rare people that could tour and travel for the rest of his life and still not get tired of it. Sometimes Julie wondered if he really even wanted to go home.

"I loved this tour. I think it's the best one we've had so far, but I'm ready to go home."

Luke pulled away from Julie and sat on the counter next to her so she could continue taking off her makeup.

"Did I just hear that right? Luke Patterson is ready to leave tour?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, I know. It's groundbreaking."

"Any particular reason?"

He smirked to himself, "I don't know. I guess I just miss the smell of the New York sewers or the friendly rats that greet you in the subway."

Julie rolled her eyes at his sarcasm, but his comment still made her crack a smile which seems to be the only reason Luke ever said anything to her.

Once Julie was done getting all her stuff together the two walked out to the car that was waiting to take the group to the airport. Julie let out a long sigh when she heard Reggie and Alex arguing about who got to play their music.

"Guys! Are you seriously fighting over this?"

Both of them turned to look at Julie before simply saying, "Yes."

"Just do rock, paper, scissors and be done with it."

By the time they had settled who had won, Alex of course, they were already halfway to the airport. Julie leaned her head on Luke's shoulder and began to doze off. The next thing she remembered was someone slightly shaking her and repeatedly saying her name.

The Good Days - Sequel *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now