The Wedding 💍👰🏽‍♀️🤍

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[a/n: sooo I decided to go ahead and do the wedding this chapter. There's so much fluff coming after this chapter it's not even funny. Hope you guys enjoy!]


Julie felt extremely emotional about the fact that she'd be marrying her high school sweetheart, soulmate, and best friend in 72 hours. The overwhelming amount of consumed alcohol probably had a lot to due with it, but a sober Flynn was there to help comfort her.

"I just love him so much." A drunk Julie wiped away a tear as she laid her head on Flynn's shoulder. "I'm sorry for crying. I don't know why I'm so emotional."

"It's okay, Jules. We all expect you to be a little emotional leading up to the wedding." Carrie said from beside Flynn.

The party was coming to an end. It was 3:00am and they all had a great time, but if they were going to be up for their drive tomorrow they needed to get back to Julie's apartment.

Once they arrived, Flynn and Julie took the bedroom while the other girls got comfortable on the couch. After a good nights sleep Flynn was woken up the next morning by Julie talking on the phone.

"Alright. . . What about the caterers? Make sure they get to the reception area extra early to have all the food set up." Julie spoke as she double checked all her bags. "Thanks again, Marisa. I can handle calling the hair and makeup people. . . Mhm. . . Make sure the set up team is handling everything with care. . . Bye now."

Julie let out a huff before turning to Flynn, "I'm sorry. I didn't wake you did I?"

"Sort of, but it's okay. Things have to be taken care of, right?"

Julie nodded, "What time do you think we should start driving?"

"Since we're taking a detour to Rochester for today and tomorrow, we should probably get going as soon as possible." Flynn said, slowly getting herself out of bed.

"And we'll be in Jefferson super early Friday morning?"

Flynn giggled, nodding at her best friend, "Yes, Jules. Don't worry, we can get there however early you want. Just promise me you'll be in the moment when we leave? This is a once in a lifetime experience."

Julie playfully rolled her eyes, "Yes, I'll be in the moment. But if Marisa calls, I'm answering—"

"Yeah, yeah. I got it." Flynn went to reach for Julie's hand to bring her out the room.

She shook her head, pulling her arm back, "You go ahead. There's one more call I have to make."

Flynn smirked knowingly, "Don't be too long. Say hi to Luke for me."

Julie gaped at her, "Wait, you don't know it's Luke!"

"Mhm, sure." Flynn nodded before exiting the room.

Once she was alone, a huge grin came across Julie's face as she dove onto her bed and hit call on Luke's contact. It rang a few times before he picked up.

She heard Luke dramatically gasp, "Are we supposed to be talking? Is that allowed?"

Julie giggled, "I don't know, but Flynn let me off the hook. I can't guarantee Alex will be as forgiving, though."

Her stomach did flips at the sound of him chuckling on the other end, "Hey, you wanna know a secret?"

Julie bit back a smile, "Yeah, what is it?"

"I miss you, a lot."

Julie felt her cheeks redden, "Mm, that's not really a secret, but I miss you too."

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