Surprise 😮

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"Julie, will you marry me?"

"Of course I will!"

Luke grinned before slipping the ring onto her finger. Julie then attacked him in a bunch of kisses, nearly knocking him over.

"The ring is beautiful, Luke." Julie said as she examined it on her finger. "Is this why Flynn insisted on getting a manicure with me before we went on this trip?"

Luke shrugged, "It might've had something to do with it."

"There's something so familiar about it. I can't quite put my finger on it."

"It's the same stone from your mom's ring."

More tears fell down Julie's face when Luke said this.

"That's so sweet, Luke."

"As much as I would like to take full credit, your dad is the one who came up with the idea. We both wanted it to be special for you."

"It's perfect."

Julie and Luke kissed again, but she soon pulled away because she was unable to contain her excitement.

"This is the best day ever!"

Luke offered to take a few pictures of Julie holding up her hand with the ring on it. After that they packed up all their stuff so they could finish the rest of their hike.

"So who all knew ahead of time?"

"Everyone except Carrie, Bobby, and Kayla. Not for any particular reason. I just wanted it to stay between the people who are the closest to you."

Julie's eyes widened, "I'm really shocked no one let it slip."

"Honestly, me too. I guess they really wanted you to be surprised."

Once the couple made it back to the house they celebrated with champagne Luke coincidentally had laying around in the house.

"Here you go." Luke handed her a glass.

"Thanks, fiancé."

"You're welcome, fiancée."

"Okay so I know this trip is supposed to be all about focusing on us, but can I please FaceTime Flynn real quick?"

Luke nodded with a smile and Julie squealed before getting her phone.


Luke stopped Julie before she could hit the call button. He held his hands over his ears before nodding for Julie to continue.

Julie held her left hand in front of her face while the phone rang and Flynn soon picked up.


"AHHHHHH!" Julie screamed back.

"Oh, my god! I'm so happy for you- AHHH!"

Flynn was reacting like she had no warning ahead of time. Like full on sobbing.

"Thanks, girl. I just wanted to call and see your reaction. There was no way I could wait the rest of the week."

Luke finally uncovered his ears when he knew it was safe. Julie brought his head close to hers so he could be in frame.

"Look at my fiancé! Isn't he hot?"

"I'm getting a fever." Flynn started fanning herself causing the couple to laugh.

"Alright, bye Flynn. I'll see you soon."

Once Flynn hung up Julie turned to Luke with a grin on her face. Julie spent the rest of the day ranting about how excited she was for their wedding and what it would be like. Luke sat through all of it with a smile on his face.

The Good Days - Sequel *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now