Meeting (Chapter.2)

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Dixies POV: I was chilling on the couch until I saw the car pull up. When I saw Noah come out I do terribly wanted to run outside so I wouldn't have to talk to him but when I tried among a run for it Griffin saw me and stopped me. He asked me "where are you going?". I don't want to say why because I didn't want him to get mad so j just said "oh I thought I saw something". I couldn't tell he didn't fully believe me but I'm assuming he dint want to waste his time so he just replied with a simple "mhm". While I was recovering from what just happened with Griffin, I heard the door open. I was terrified but weirdly excited. Why was I so nervous??

No ones POV:

Bryce: everyone welcome Noah beck!!
Noah: "walks in front of Bryce" hi everyone.
Everyone: "says hi to Noah and start making small talk to make him feel more comfortable"

Dixies POV: Noah was slowly starting to get closer to where I was and I just couldn't do it anymore. I was able to escape and sat by the pool. I regretted it a bit but I just needed a moment to think, to come to a realization on why I was so nervous.

Noah's POV: after I said hi to everyone and got to know everyone a bit I felt way better. I could tell that they were awesome and I honestly couldn't wait to hang out and get to know them. But if I'm being honest, that was a little people and I'm a little stressed. I didn't want to seem rude or like I wasn't enjoying the part butt I'm not a drinker and everyone was pretty much already drunk or getting there. I needed some fresh air so I decided to step outside and go by the pool. I started walking and then I saw a girl, I thought to myself is it someone I already saw, but when I looked a little harder I could tell that I hadn't even seen her yet. I don't want to go inside so instead I walked up and sat in the chair next to hers and said "hi, I'm Noah"

Dixies POV: I heard that someone was walking towards me and I though it was Griffin so I dint even mind turning around. I realized it was a little quiet though, I was about to turn my head but then it hit me, it's probably Noah. But is it? I really wanted to turn around and say something or at least see if I was correct but for some reason I just froze and I couldn't move. I kept on replaying what I was thinking in my head until I heard someone say "hi, I'm Noah" I was screaming inside but obviously I couldn't show that so instead turned my head towards him trying to not show how nervous I was and relied "hi Noah, I'm Dixie".

No ones POV:

Noah: sorry if this is too much, but umm I don't think I saw you inside.

Dixie: oh umm your not wrong, I was out her e since it was super crowded.

Noah: I get it. That's the same reason I'm out here too.

Dixie: your not partying like the others??

Noah: I'm not really mush of a drinker. That's not really my thing.

Dixie: me too, another reason why I'm out here "laughs a bit"

Noah: I know what I'm about to say next is gonna sound so weird, but I never thought that I would ever talk to thee Dixie Damelio.

Dixie: well I guess we're both doing things we never thought we were gonna do because I'm doing to the Noah Beck "they both laugh"

Noah's POV: I know this sound weird especially because I just had my first conversation with this girl but it was super easy taking to her. I knelt I just met her and all of that but she seems super cool. It kinda felt like we just clicked, I dint know if that's how she felt. I tried my best to not be awkward and try keeping things as normal as possible but that feeling kinda went away the more we started talking. She told me about how she lives to sing and how she came out with a song, and how she feels about all this social media stuff. If was cool how she was kinda upending up to me since all I ever see online about her is how she's so shy with showing her emotions and talking about her life. It was honestly and honor to see that she felt that way around me even though we just met.

Dixies POV: I was weirded out. Not by Noah but how I was just opening up to him. I said things to him that only Griffin knows, which is a big deal since Griffin is the only person I ever tell anything to. It felt good though. When I would talk to Griffin about these things he wouldn't really care but with Noah, it actually seemed like he was interested in what I needed to say. It was really strange how I just randomly opened up to him but I loved how easy we could talk. We just met and I can already tell that he is going to be a big part in my life. If he want to of course. We got to know each it her a lot. We talked about our personal problems, life, and social media. and little did we know we were talking for about 2 hours straight, with no breaks, just straight up talking, and it felt incredible. Or at least it did until we both turned our heads when we heard someone say "what are you guys doing?"

I know this is a cliffhanger and I'm sorryyy:( I hope you guys are enjoying it so far and I will try to update everyday:) love you guys, and thank you for all the love that Ive gotten already!!

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