The Becks (Chapter:27)

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*5 months later*

Dixies POV: "Are you sure about this baby? You know we don't have to if you don't want to." Noah often cared more about me, than things, which is amazing, but in some cases not so much. Noah has met my parent, and he has such an amazing bond with them. Me on the other hand, hasn't even met his parents.

They do live in a different state, which does make it more difficult to see them, but me and Noah have been dating for 8 months, that's plenty of time to go without meeting his parents.

It's a terrifying thought honestly. All I can think about since we planned on seeing them is what they're going to think about me. What if they don't like me? It's scares, being there's an endless amount of possibilities. But this is it. We're going. No more holding back.

"I'm sure my love. I want to meet the people who created the best boyfriend in the world." I planted a kiss on his cheek. I loved how even after all this time, I still made him blush. It's how I know that he's the one for me, the only one for me. "Well if you put it that way, then we must."

We shared a kiss. I'm beginning to realize that every kiss we share is going to feel the best, if not better. That same spark that I got the first time, it's still there, and it intensifies.

We grabbed each other, walking onto the airplane holding hands. This is going to be the first time never traveled together, and I'm stoked. This is gonna be our first adventure, of many.


"You ready? Once we walk through this door there's no going back." I'm very scared, actually no, that's not good enough, I'm petrified. I'm just praying this goes good. "Yep. More than ever." I grabbed his hand again, waking in behind him as he opened the door.

I see this beautiful woman standing by the door. I definitely see where Noah gets his looks from. "Finally, your here!" Mrs.Beck hugged me immediately. I thought she as going to shake my hand at most. I love this woman already.

The hug lasted for about a minute. Not that I was complaining, it felt amazing. This woman was already spectacular, and I've just met her not even 2 minutes ago. "Mom. She can't breath." I do agree, I could barely breath, but it was totally worth it.

She soon stepped away from me. "Right. I'm so sorry sweetie, I'm just so pumped to finally meet you!" I immediately smiled, maybe even blushed a bit. "I am too! I've heard amazing things about you!" I talked to her so comfortably, as if I've known her my whole life. A guess it's just a Beck thing.

After talking for a few minutes she finally went to go hug Noah. His face lit up when she did. I'm glad a fell in love with a mamas boy, that's probably why he's so amazing. "Come on in guys!" I closed the door behind us, stepping into their very beautiful home.

"You guys can get settled upstairs while I make lunch, you guys must be starving." I was , very. "Okay mom, we'll be down in an hour." Noah grabbed our bags as he led me up the stairs, to his room. He opened a door, and he placed the bags on the bed.

His room was everything I expected, and more. It screamed Noah. "So, what do you think?" "Of what?, your gonna need to be a little more specific my love." I went up to him, hugging him. He just smelled so good. "Many things. My mom, my room, me." He smiled at the last bit.

"Welllll, your mom is so wonderful already, your room is awesomeeee, and you, well your you. The love of my life, the best boyfriend ever." I lifted myself ok my toes, placing another kiss on his cheek, then on his lips. "I love you babygirl." Just like me, he never fails to make me blush. "I love you too Mr.Beck."

We kissed again, expect this kiss lasted a bit longer. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, I just couldn't wait to see the two lovebirds." Me and Noah both turned around, probably both equally as embarrassed. "Your not, don't worry." If she wouldn't have come in, we probably would've gotten carried away, so thank her.

She went up and hugged me. I guess all the girls in his family are like that, not that I'm complaining. It actually feels so nice knowing that they somewhat already like me.

Until lunch was ready we sat up in Noah's room, talking and getting to know each other a bit. Soon after, Haley came to and she joined in too. Noah's sisters are gonna become my best friends, mark my words.

"Lunch is ready!" Mrs.Beck yelled from downstairs and we all immediately got up. We got to the kitchen and I immediately hugged Mrs.Beck, thanking her for making us a meal. "This looks amazing. Thank you!" I gave her a quick smile. "My pleasure dear! I hope you guys enjoy."

We all sat down at the table. The food looked amazing, and let me just tell you, it tasted amazing too.

After sitting and eating for a bit, Noah's dad came and we introduced ourselves. I can say he's definitely going to be a little harder to please.


"So Dixie, what are your intentions with my son?" Dinner was just a about over until mr.Beck asked me this question. At first I thought of it as something bad, but now I just see it was out of love. "Well Mr.Beck, I have many. I want to marry him, have his kids. He is an amazing person, and boyfriend, I really couldn't be more thankful. He has showed me so much love, and he continuously does so. I love him. Truly, with all my heart."

Noah looked at me with a pure look of love. I really did truly live him just as I explained, probably even more. Noah fucking Beck has my whole heart. "Son, you found yourself a good one. Keep her." After Mr.Beck said that, I felt a huge amount of relief wash over me. I won him too. The Becks are just meant to be in my life.

"Don't worry dad, I plan on it. She's special." Noah placed I kiss on my forehead, which just the way, totally made my whole heart melt. We started a quick hug, and enjoyed wonderful conversations with Noah's family. This day couldn't have been more perfect.


"Hate that you guys are leaving so soon." We've been in Arizona for a week, and as much as I would love to stay, we really do need to get going. "I do too, but don't worry, we'll see each other soon!" We shared a long hug, and we said our goodbyes.

This was an amazing experience, and I really couldn't have asked for anything better. "So, what do you think?" As we drove to the airport I already start thinking about planning to see them again. "I loved it baby! They're amazing, just like you."

We shared a quick kiss at the red light before continuing the drive. When we got to the airport, and on the plane, we cuddled up next to each other. Back to LA we go.

HEYY GUUYSSS! Long time no see!! As sad as it is to say, this book only has 4 more chapters until it's complete :( I am so extremely thankful for all the love and support I have gotten on this book. My writing is just getting started, and I hope you guys stay along ok my journey. I love you all so so so much!! ❤️❤️
Check out my other books:
-Needs -Other Half
Word count: 1321

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