Hanging Out (Chaper.6)

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Fast forward 2 weeks: Dixie and Noah haven't talked or seen each other since that morning. Griffin moved out of Sway. Dixie is about to move into her apartment.

Dixies been struggling a lot, Charli exclaimed. She doesn't come out of her room and she barley eats anymore. I'm pretty sure she's doing something to herself that none of us know about. She supposed to move out tomorrow and at the rate she's going I doubt that will be happening. I feel terrible for leaving with Addison and Avani. I could've stayed with her and made her feel better but from the stories that I've heard Noah did a fantastic job. Maybe I should text him, if he made her feel better then, then maybe he can make her feel better now. I'm desperate, I need my sister back and I need her now, so I'm willing to do anything. Charli texts Noah


Charli: Hey Noah, it's Charli, Dixies sister and I was wondering if you could help me with something..?

Noah: Hi Charli, I know who you are lol. What's up?

Charli: This might be too much to ask but Dixie has been doing terrible since you dropped her off and I know that you made her feel better so I was wondering if you can maybe stop by and see if you can cheer her up a bit

Noah: yeah of course I can, I owe it to her since I promised, I'll be there in 10 minutes.

*End of texts*

When I got the text from Charli I was disappointed. I should've went to see her or at least texted her, but I didn't. She could be doing god knows what right now. Noah thought to himself while he was getting a few things prepared. He wanted to take Dixie somewhere, so he texted a few of her closest friends, Curtis and Addison and he told them to meet them at Malibu. Curtis has been at sway a lot so him and Noah got really close. Once he got everything prepared he left. He was questioning why the boys didn't ask him where he was going. They typically always do but he didn't care enough to go back and ask so he just left. He took a few wrong turns because he didn't quite remember where factory to go but he made it in 15 minutes. When he knocked in the door Heidi opened it. Hi, you must be Noah! I am, and I'm assuming your Heidi? The one and only! Do you know where Dixie is? Unless she escaped, I'm pretty sure she's in her room. Ok thank you, it was nice meeting you! You too! Heidi liked Noah, based off of first impressions she could talk he was a nice young man.

Charli saw Noah and told him where Dixies room is. She got out of his way because she didn't want a Dixie to see her. Noah got to her door and knocked. Go away Charli!, Dixie said quietly but powerfully. Well good thing that it's not Charli, Noah said. Noah?? Maybe, open the door and see. I think I'm good, Dixie said trying to cover how much she actually wants to see him. Dixie please, Noah begged. I'm sorry for not coming to see you earlier, I didn't want to overstep but obviously I see that I should've. You don't have to talk to me just please let me in. Ok fine, Dixie head hiding her excitement. Dixie finally opened the door and when she did Noah saw her extremely trashed room. Noah didn't want to seem rude though so instead of saying something he just told her to get ready. For what exactly?, Dixie said curiously. I'll tell you when I know your not gonna try to get out of it. Just get your things I already have your clothes so don't worry about that. Well then I don't need anything, Dixie said eagerly wanting to know where Noah was taking her.

You ready then?, Noah questioned. Yeah I guess, but I think I rethought this a bit and I changed my decision, I don't really want to go anymore, Dixie said trying to get in Noah's nerves, which obviously didn't work because instead of saying something about her comment he just picked her up and said too late!. Noah put me down!!, Dixie practically begged. I wouldn't have had to pick you up in the first place if you wanted to cooperate but you didn't so no! Ugh why! Why can't anyone ever just leave me alone. I just want to fucking be in my room, cry my eyes out, and rethink about my life choices and decide whether I'm a fucking dumb ass for falling for someone who has no interest in being in an actual relationship or am I just a manic and don't deserve to be happy!! Dixie said everything that was on her mind, she couldn't do it anymore. She was hurting, way more than she wanted to. Dixies didn't even think about what she was saying, she just said it. She wanted to be saved, more than anything. But she knew, or at least thought that she couldn't be saved.

Noah put Dixie don't and out of frustration spike up. Dixie don't say that! I know that's what you feel like, but that doesn't mean it's true. I went through the same thing, I know I'm how it feels. I almost lost myself, and I don't have anyone to help me get through it. You do, you have your parents, sister, your best friends, and you have me, Noah pleaded. Griffins a fucking idiot for cheating on you. You don't deserve it, your an amazing girl. And I know I haven't known you for too long, trust me I know. But I also know that you trust me, whiteout you having to tell me I know you do. So let me help you. I want to help you. Please! Noah practically yelled. Not enough for anyone else to hear but enough to get Dixies attention. Ok ok fine, I'm sorry, Dixie finally gave in. You don't have to say sorry Dixie, just please cooperate. Ok fine I'll cooperate, but only if you tell me where we're going, Dixies said with a huge sneaky smile on her face. Fine, Noah said effortlessly, knowing that if her didn't he would end up leaving alone. We're going to Malibu. Yayyy, Dixie said jumping up and down. This was the first time she's felt any happiness in the past 2 weeks. How'd you know I loved Malibu, Dixie said out of curiosity. I had some help with your friends. Aww thank you Noah, wait we're going alone right? Noah was confused with what Dixie just asked him. He thought that she would want to see her best friends but it didn't quite seem like that. I kinda seemed like she wanted to just be with Noah, no one else. Noah didn't don't if he should have been happy or sad.

Dixie saw something was up. She could she his sudden change in attitude. Are you ok? Did I say something wrong, Dixie said wanting to get answers. Yeah I'm fine, don't worry, just had to think but yeah we're going alone. Noah felt bad, he was going to tell the truth about Curtis and Addison but he saw that she obviously didn't want to see them right now even if she didn't say it directly. Ok thank god, I love my friends but I don't need them right now, I need you, Dixie said quietly hoping that Noah wouldn't hear the last part, but he did. Well then your very a very lucky girl, because you have me. Noah said with a huge smile on his face. Dixies noticed how happy he got, it amazed her how much he cared and how happy she was when she said that. She was slowly falling for him and whether or not she wanted to admit it, it was true.

On second thought I need to get something real quick, Dixie said. Okay, but he quick, Noah yelled because she had already ran off to get what she needed. While she was gone it gave Noah a perfect opportunity to text Addison and Curtis and tell them not to come. He didn't say any details, he just told them there was a change of plans and that they weren't needed anymore. They understood, there we're definitely confused, but they understood, Dixies came back with some new clothes, specifically a white tank top with some half bleached shorts. Noah looked at her star struck, wow you look beautiful Dixie, Noah said chocking on his words amazed by her beauty. Tell me something I don't know, Dixie said confidently but also innocently. Well then we better cut to the chase and get going, Noah said smiling thinking about how much this girl made him go crazy. Great, let's go!!

When they got in the car it was silent. Not a single noise came from them. They weren't even listening to any music. They were just sitting waiting to arrive to their destination. To be honest, they were just enjoying each other's presence. Noah kept in thinking about how she wanted to be alone with him, and Dixie couldn't stop thinking about everything Noah was doing for her. They were both falling for each other, quick, and they both didn't know it yet, or at least they thought hey didn't.

Sorry for the short and late chapter, this weekend was chaotic which is why i didn't update but I'm back so don't worry. I will also be starting a new story, which I'm so excited about because it's the exact opposite from this one. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far and thank you so much for all the love so far. I love you guys!!! Also kinda a cliffhanger so sorryyy, but they're fun lol 😂

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