Plans (Chapter.10)

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Dixie and Noah haven't seen each other since that night they spent together. It's only been 3 days and they were missing each other immensely. Noah however, has not wasted a single second of those three days. He wanted Dixie to be his, terribly, and he knew that he couldn't algae she want ready yet but he still wanted to do something to show how much he loves her. Even if she doesn't know it yet.

Noah got help from Addison since he knows that she knows Dixie best. For now at least. Noah set up such a cute "date". He rented them a hotel in Malibu for them to stay and for a week. A WHOLE week! He could've wait to spend all that time with Dixie. Just alone. No one else to bother them. He did get a hotel so the two beds though since he didn't to make her feel uncomfortable.

He already planned all the activities and he got Dixie a little gift. A token of appreciation to show how much Noah actually cares about her. A promise ring. He thought about how it might be too much but he knew he needed to to it. She needed to know that he was hers and she was his even more than she already did. It was beautiful. He even got a matching one. He needs Dixie. And since she's not fully his yet this will have to do.

Dixie was nervous though. He had been acting weird. To be fair she hasn't made much of an effort to communicate wait her so she couldn't really say anything. It was a Friday after noon and Dixie was daydreaming about Noah, just like she did everyday. She couldn't get him of her mind. He was the only thing she thought about and she wasn't complaining.

It was now the next day and Noah was so excited. He texted Dixie as soon as he woke up, knowing that she was already awake. He didn't want to seem weird by texting her but he obviously needed some rest to tell her to pack and get ready so he had to risk it.


Noah: hey Dix, I know we haven't hung out in a few days and I'm ready to fix that. Pack your things, enough things for a week. I'll be there to pick you up in 25 minutes. Don't ask any questions :)

Dixie: ok lol. You better not be kidnapping me.
*End of text messages*

While Dixie was packing her bag she thought about all the things that Noah had up his sleeve. She didn't question him though. She trusted him completely and knew that whatever he had planned she would like. She was worried about one thing though. Moving. She needed to move Monday and from the looks of it she's not gonna be able to. That wasn't going to let her stop seeing Noah. She just called her landlord and told him to reschedule the moving date till next week. She didn't want anything ruining this week with Noah even if she needed wasn't completely aware of what is was just yet.

Dixie got everything easy and sat outside to wait for Noah. She informed her parents that she wasn't going to be home but they already knew. They said that Noah already told them about their plans. Dixie lived that. Not only did Noah have respect for her but he had respect for her parents and she adores that about him. Probably a little too much.

Noah left sway right after he texted Dixie. The boys already knew his plan since they helped put it together. They were happy for Noah. Griffin was ling gone and they were happy about. Noah got so close with the boys, they were like family already. They were so supportive of him and made fun him a few times here and there.

Right before Noah pulled up he got them Starbucks. He wasn't touch of a coffee guy himself but she knew Dixie could always go for some so he got her her favorite drink. When he pulled up to the house he dint even get a chance to get out. Dixie had already ran up to the car and say inside. "I guess someone's excited", Noah said pleased with Dixies behavior. "Very!, now come on let's go. I don't want to waste any time" Dixie said with such excitement.

Noah knew Dixie was excited. She was too. He was so excited for this week you have no idea. Malibu was pretty close to where they lived, it was only an hour. Throughout that hour they jammed out to some music, talked about all the exciting things that they were going to do, and occasionally kissed from time to time. When they got to Malibu Noah put a blindfold on Dixie. She was skeptical but she trusted Noah enough to not let that ruin his surprise. He led her up to the hotel room and took the blindfold off. SURPRISE!!, Noah said in a calm but yet exciting tone.

"Surprise indeed", Dixie said shocked. She loved it. They had just gotten there and she was already in love. "Thank you so much Noah!, you have no idea how much this means to me." She said lightly crying. "Hey hey, don't cry!", Noah said running up to her wiping her tiny tear with his finger. "This is going to be fun week, no being sad. Ok. Noah didn't want Dixie to be sad. He knew that she as happy and that they were tears of joy but he also knew real down it wasn't all happiness and he wanted it to be. "Ok, only for you", Dixie said with the slightest smoky on her face.

Noah lightly hugged her before going back to get there luggage. While he was going that Dixie was admiring the hotel. She loved the 2 bedrooms, just like Noah thought she would. She had no plan on using the other one but she greatly appreciated how much she cared about her comfort.

Noah got back up to see that Dixie was knocked out on the bed. Noah admitted her feature for a bit, she looked so peaceful sleeping. Noah could watch her for hours. He wants to get through actinide but he knew Dixie was tired and to be honest he was too. He was fine with not doing anything. He just needed to be with Dixie. And he was, so everything was prefect. He went up to Dixie and kissed her forehead about to leave before feeling his arm being pulled on.

"Don't leave" Dixie sod pulling back on Noah's arm. She wanted to be with him, like she was that night. "Okay, I'd you insist", Noah said calmly but really on the inside he was freaking out. They had cuddles before but nothing like actually going to sleep together. It was a big step, for the both of them and they were both ready to take it. Noah layer down on the other side of the bed. He wanted to see if Dixie actually wanted him so he kept his distance until he knew she wanted him like that .

She did. She quickly rolled over and laid her head on Noah's chest. She entangled her legs with his and got as close and she possible could. She felt safe. Even more said then she felt before. She fell asleep immediately. There was nowhere else either of them wanted to be. They were. Jen enjoining Thais moment and wanted it to last forever. Noah worked his arms around her little waist and kissed her forehead before falling asleep. They slept the whole day. They had gone to sleep at 2:00 p.m and slept the whole day. They didn't even care though. The only thing that mattered in this particular moment was the both of them, and they were both perfectly fine. More than fine, they were perfect.

I can't with them🥺 also sorry for not posting this weekend, I was busy but I'm back! Ok so excited for the next few chapters because warning, they are CUTEE! Thank n you guys so much for all the love on this story. I Kiowa I keep on saying it but I love you guys so much!! :) ❤️❤️
Word count: 1394

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