Until then (Chapter 16)

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*Flashback to last night*

Addisons POV: I was obviously excited to see Dixie. I haven't seen her since that night, and that was before she found out the news. I tried making a few plans here and there when I found myself having free time but every time she would either reply saying see was busy or she would just ignore. To be honest, I'm starting to think that I would've never found out if Bryce hadn't had told me. Tonight was my chance at redemption, it was my chance to prove to her that I am her best friend and that she can count on me.

Although when she walked in, she was obviously not ready. Her body was, but I could tell the look in her face. The look telling her that she doesn't want to be here. I was the last person she greeted, which got me a little said truthfully, but when I saw how enthusiastic she was in our hug it definitely made me feel better. We had a little bit of a catch, though it was mostly me talking and her half listening, half paying attention to Noah. I had already known they were close, because of Bryce telling me that Noah's always hanging out with her. I didn't think too much about it though since I understood her. Noah was the only person who was actually there for Dixie that night, and I guess that put Noah in a special place in Dixies heart.

I was hoping to be able to really get to hear her talk about her emotions. Since I knew I was the only person she ever actually said anything to. But every time I would try brining up a topic, or even just asking her to talk privately, she would bring her attention to the other conversations that were going around in the little group we had formed. She was also being super clingy to Noah. She wasn't laying in him or anything like that, but I could see how she never left his side, and even if she thought it was secretive I could see her connect her hands with Noah's a few times. This led me to more questions. They were obviously way closer than I ever could have thought.

After a while the rest of the group slowly drifting off, leaving only Noah, Dixie, and I left. I could tell she wasn't exactly amused by my decision to stay. I tried making conversation, but at one point she realized that this thing that we had going on wasn't working so she insisted that it was okay If I left. I obviously wasn't going to give up that easily so I tried pursuing her that this conversation could go somewhere, but even I knew it couldn't, so after a little bit of effort I drifted off too.

I had only intended on staying away for a little while, and then planned on leading my way back to where she was, attempting to again, get some information out of her. When I turned my back to start waking to where they were originally located I had taken a closer look and realized that the seats that were once taken by Noah and Dixie were now taken by other guests that came for the party. I made a bit of an attempt of finding her before giving up, hoping that she wasn't ready and that she weren't home. With that I continued partying, hoping that tomorrow when I plan on reaching out she would actually talk to me.

*back to this morning (still Addisons POV)*

I had woken up pretty early, knowing that I'd I slept in I would most likely give up on all my plans and stay in bed all day. I untangled myself from Bryces arms and got up to get ready. Since I'm here regularly I had my spare clothes so getting dressed wasn't much of a hassle. I quickly brushed my teeth, threw in some light make up so I wouldn't like like a vampire and I made my way downstairs. I had walked past all the doors, since Bryces room is at the very back, quickly noticing that all the doors were open besides one. It was Noah's room. Typically I wouldn't think twice about a closed door but I couldn't help it since I had all these thoughts rushing threw my head.

I decided to let it go, since most likely there would be nothing and I'm wasting my energy thinking about a closed room that would contain nothing besides Noah sleeping. I got downstairs and saw Rafy making breakfast, so I decided to jump in and help. Blake and Kio made there way down and joined us by interrupting our pea full cooking. Bruce also made his way down a few minutes later, clearly having a massive hangover. After finally getting the boys to back off, Rafy and I finished breakfast and got it ready for all of us to eat. I didn't think twice but before I could dig in Bruce stopped me. "We should call Dixie and Noah to come eat with us." I was clearly confused since I really had thought that Dixie went home.

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