Enough time (Chapter:17)

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It's now been 2 weeks since the whole incident and let's just say Dixies goal for working on herself isn't exactly going how she planned. She hasn't made much progress other than crying a little less than she did when she started. She been avoiding everyone. Her family, friends, and even Noah.

She checks in with him a few times here and there so that he knows she's okay. But other than that, she's had no contact with anyone. She just sits in her apartment all day, crying and starving herself because she can't bring herself to eat.

She wakes up late every day. Doesn't post anything anymore, not even on her story, and she'll get lost in her own emotions. She'll turn on the shower, and then completely break down, completely forgetting what she was doing in the first place.

All the happiness that she was experiencing just turned on her. That joy that she once felt when she thought about things made her wanna throw up now. The only thing that managed to get her through the day was watching her loves TikTok. Seeing him happy, made her feel not so miserable for a few seconds. Even though she knew deep down, even he was hurting because of her decision.

Noah's POV: it's been two weeks since I actually saw my girlfriends face and I'm going insane. I at least though she would post so I could see her then, but nothing. She's made a few attempts texting me, telling me she's okay, but I'm not stupid enough to fall for that. I know that deep down she's hurting, and it hurts me knowing I'm not doing anything to
help her.

Today that changes though. I've given her enough time to work on herself, hoping that she would be able to, but I can't anymore, I miss seeing my girlfriend everyday. I miss seeing her smile, her smile that lights up my whole world when I see it.

As much as I know she thinks she can do this, she's gonna do sometime extremely wrong. She needs to have someone there for her, and I waited for her to tell me that she needs my help but obviously she's not going to, so I'm stepping in myself. I don't care how much she doesn't think she's ready, I need to help her. I can't bare knowing that my baby isn't happy.

*end of Noah's POV*

Noah had gotten a few things prepared, including a bouquet of roses, a teddy bear, and a few of his sweatshirts because he knows how much she likes them. He even sprayed his cologne so that when she wore them it would remind her of him when he wasn't with her.

With that he got in his car and drove to her apartment. As much as he was ready and happy to finally see her, he was also nervous. He hated seeing her at chic a low point, and he was already hurting even if he hadn't seen her yet.

He walked into the apartment complex and took the elevator to her floor. He stood in front of the tall white door and prepared to knock. With that he did. It was around 5 pm so he was going she wasn't sleeping or taking a nap. He knocked a few more times before he heard a weak voice coming from inside. It was faint but it was there.

"Who is it?" Dixie tried to get herself to a reasonable tone but that soft, broken one was the only one she managed to get out. She wouldn't have even answered but knowing that the knocking wouldn't stop, it was better for her to just talk. "It's me, Noah."

He couldn't bear hearing her like that. He could hear the hurt in her voice just with one simple sentence. "Can you please let me in?" He filled with asking that right after. He knew most likely what she was going to say but he had to make an attempt before getting his key and walking in his self.

"I'm honestly fine. You can go back home Noah. I swear I'm fi-" before she could finish she was cut off by Noah who now had a more demanding voice. Not one too scary but one to know that he wasn't playing around. "Don't say your fine, your obviously not. Let me in, or I'll do it myself."

He waited of few seconds, only getting silence before unlocking the door with his spare key and bursting in. He was still holding all of the things he had gotten but when he saw the look on her face when he walked in he almost dropped everything. He quickly walked into the kitchen, placing everything on the table, and walked in front of her.

Her face was so pale and dull. It looks like she hasn't gotten any sun in years, and her clothes, she's been wearing the same ones for the past week. Noah hoodie, which draped down her body perfectly down to her knees, and some shorts.

Without as second of thought she ran up to him. At a slow place but fast enough to where you could see her 'excitement'. She looked up at Noah, with hurt eyes. Eyes that could tell the whole story without a single actual word being said.

It didn't take him very long to put out his arms. He wanted her to come to him first. He knew that if he made the first move he would get anything out of her. With that she took up the offer and quickly crawled onto him. She had started of with just a normal hug but them jumped on him, realizing she needed more of him, his scent, his presence.

She dug her heard into the crook of his neck and wrapped her arms, one tangled up in his short brown curly hair, and the other around his upper back supporting her position. It didn't take long for her to break down after that. She started crying slowly until her cries gradually got louder, and more frequent.

He quickly realized that right now talking was not what he needed to do so he immediately started walking over to the couch and sitting with her still attached to him. She buried her body more into his, if that was even possible and stayed there, enjoying his presence, and the feeling that he brought her.

Knowing that he cared for her to go past what she said she 'wanted' just to made sure she was okay, brought her more joy than ever before thinking about him. His existence was the reason she was still
alive. Without him, having him to fight for, she would not be half at where she was at now.

She may be at a low point right now, but she wouldn't have been here anymore if it wasn't for him. She would forever be grateful for having a chance to be with someone who makes her happier than life its self, a person who taught her how to love, who showed her love and affection. That same person was also the reason she was able to get over something that she never thought she could.

Noah is the one person who actually treated her right. After so many experiences with 'love' that have failed, to know that she found her one true love. That made her happy enough to be keep pushing. She may not know how to fix herself just yet, but knowing she had Noah, was a reason to believe that she could.

Noah's heart did backflips just at the look of her. She may be mentally and physically drained, but that didn't stop him from seeing his, smart, sexy, beautiful girlfriend. He was going to be there no matter what. If she needed him to stay with her, that what he was going to do. He is going to do anything to get the love of his life happy again, no matter how much energy that might drain, at the end of the day it would be worth it.

They stayed there, in that exact position for a while. Until Dixie could shed anymore tears and had completely ruined Noah's shirt. They had gotten in the shower together. Dixie finally got a good shower after so long of not even having the motivation to wash her body. After that they found themselves in Dixies bed. They just laid there in silence enjoying each other before they needed to talk about what needed to happen next.

"So what's next?" Noah asked slightly lifting Dixies chin up so her eyes could meet his.

Little cliffhanger I guess but nothing too big lol. But umm my head is pounding so if this sucks I'm sorry. Writing makes pain go away lmao. Anyways I was going to do this chapter more in detail but I was going to cry so this is all you guys get. Ahaha. Okay byee love you guys ❤️
Word count: 1513

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