Chapter 7 - A Friendship Begins

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Seated at a table inside a local bar and grill in downtown Augusta, Saryah tried to breathe. The smoke wasn’t too thick, thanks to new laws, but years of countless people lighting millions of cigarettes took its toll on the place. She personally couldn’t stand the smell of the things, and would wind up washing her clothes twice with a special detergent just to get the smell out.

Ben walked back to the table with their drinks, giving Saryah some actual time to take in his appearance. He was handsome: but not just a run-of-the-mill kind. No, he was modeling material. What made someone that good looking join the military? His hair was almost black, and cropped short, but not in a military cut. His eyes were as dark as his hair. He had a square chin with a dimple, as well as dimpled cheeks. His too white teeth were straight, and he was tall. She barely came past his shoulders. She guessed he was almost a foot taller. He did walk with a slight limp, which was common for someone with a prosthetic limb.

“What are you staring at?” Busted! Ben smiled as he set the drinks, both were ginger ale, on the table.

“You caught me. Don’t take it personally. I’m a people person. I watch and assess all the time.” She smiled shyly, hoping he would let it go. No such luck.

“Well, what’s your assessment, people expert lady?” He laughed as she put her hand to her chin in mock-therapist style.

“I think... you ... are very good looking. You could’ve been in Hollywood, or even been a model. Your height demands attention from everyone around you, and if you used your amazing smile more, you’d have women knocking each other down just to get your attention.”

“HMM! A model? Me? Nah!” He waved the idea away like a pesky fly before striking a ridiculous pose with his arms curled up in a muscular semi-circle.

As Ben sat down, Saryah asked him a more serious question.

“What made you decide to be a soldier?” She sipped her ginger ale waiting for an answer.

After sipping his own drink, he swallowed hard, and proceeded to answer her honestly.

“My dad was a contractor for more than thirty years for the military. There was nothing I wanted to do more than serve. I even want to go a full twenty, but the way people are being cut, it may not happen. I love my job. There’s so much to do, and most days are really hard work. I wouldn’t have it any other way. My soldiers are awesome.”

“Wow! That’s great! It’s been said a soldier is only as good as his leaders.” She said before taking the breadsticks and hot wings from the waiter.

Ben didn’t know how to take that compliment, so he sipped his ginger ale and asked her a similar question.

“So, what made you get into your field, Saryah? It seems being a social worker is a dangerous job, with not nearly enough pay.” Ben smiled before biting his marinara covered breadstick.

“Well, sir, you are right on both points. It can be dangerous, but not what I do. And not enough pay? No, but that’s where loving my job comes in. I love watching the families reintegrate a wounded warrior, or watching as a child with a disability comes home after a long hospital stay. The smiles are a great salary. But, it’s not all sunshine and roses.” She bit into a hot wing after dipping it into some ranch dressing, making the MMMM sound as she ate.

Ben tried to suppress a chuckle as she licked her fingers clean, all manners forgotten.

“It’s that good, huh?”

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve gone without proper hot wings? This is the best thing since... never mind.” She said, closing her eyes.

Ben raised his eyebrows. His mind wanted to know what the never mind replaced, but he was too much of a gentleman to ask.

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