Chapter 26 - Back in Your Arms Again!

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Nervous, shaky jitters kept Saryah from sitting; not for lack of trying on her family’s part. She paced back and forth in between the chairs while they waited. She looked around and noticed the other spouses doing the same.

“Sit down, Saryah! You’re making me dizzy!” Sonya said tersely, placing hands on her twin sister’s shoulders.

“You live without Mike for six months first, and then we’ll talk about whether or not you can sit still and wait.” Saryah laughed, but it was obviously from being on edge.

“I know, sissy!” Sonya and Saryah shared a look. The crowd erupted into cheers as the bus carrying the soldiers began pulling up to the building. They tore apart as Saryah virtually glued her eyes to the door.

Sergeant Bledsoe walked in alone, approached the podium, and placed one hand in the air, and waited for the crowd to quiet down.

“Wives, husbands, children, parents, and friends: We’re proud of these guys.” Applause, whistling, and cheers assaulted the air in the room yet again. He had to wait again. Eventually he was allowed to continue. “Our brave soldiers will be able to join us shortly. Please, wait.” He said, raising his hand, yet again. “The ceremony begins with them coming in. We have a speaker, who will BRIEFLY speak to them and you and then we’ll let ‘em go! Ready?” Of course, the crowd responded with rowdy affirmation. “Good!” He smiled and left the large room that was much like a gymnasium.


Ben’s heart skipped more than a beat when the bus pulled up to the building. He knew. He could feel Saryah’s presence, sense her being. His feelings were evident on his face, and did not go unnoticed by his friends.

Brown nudged Russell. “Sumbuddy ‘bout ta jump out da window ta get ta his gurl, ain’t he?”

Russ smiled, laughed and pulled his wife close for a quick kiss. “Yeah, and rightfully so. Brown, when you get married, you’ll understand.” Russ laughed again, squeezing Caroline’s hand.

“Been down that road once already; and I ain’t lookin’ ta go down it again!”

“Guys! Chill!” Just as Ben grinned at his two friends, SGT Bledsoe walked outside and towards the bus.

“There’s a cheering crowd in there, ladies and gentlemen. They’re anxious to see you! You know the routine! Line it up, and Welcome Home!”

“HOOAH!” The group responded.

“Then get outta this bus and get in there!” He smiled as Campbell jumped up and stood first in line. They lined up outside in their formation and waited for the signal to go in. Ben could hardly stand still as he watched Caroline and Arielle enter the building.


When Mrs. Russell walked through the door, Saryah’s stomach sank instantly. She hadn’t heard how Russ was doing or if he’d even been released from the hospital in Germany yet. Caroline grinned Saryah’s way, waved, and took a seat as directed by someone in uniform from the Battalion.

Saryah could no longer contain her tears: Happiness poured down her face. A hug came from her left side, and she leaned her head on Alison’s shoulder.

“It feels like forever …” Her sentence was cut off by the group walking in.

Saryah scoured each face, looking for a specific pair of brown eyes accompanied by a certain limp. She finally spotted him. His face focused on the task at hand.

And then their eyes met.

She saw the right side of his face raise ever so slightly in a smile. He winked and kept marching. Her tears continued steadily down her cheeks.

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