Chapter 12 - Excitement

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Facing the raised eyebrows as they emerged from Saryah’s room was a little more than uncomfortable. Saryah sort of half-grinned and blushed and Ben wouldn’t meet anyone’s eyes. He just cleared his throat and headed for the kitchen to grab another beer.

“What is going on between you two?” Sonya, never one to beat around the bush, jumped right in.

“I’ll tell you when I know.” Saryah said with a wink before walking to the kitchen and grabbing a soda.

Ben looked at Saryah while taking a bite of cold pizza. He grinned slightly while watching Saryah move around on crutches nervously. He shook his head and swallowed his bite.

“It’s okay. We’ll get it all figured out.” He took her hand and squeezed it lightly.

“I know. I’m more embarrassed than anything. I feel like a teenager caught making out in the car or something.”

“Sounds interesting.” He raised an eyebrow. “I’ll be glad to help you feel that way, too.” She sighed loudly, groaning and rolling her eyes. “Don’t worry.” He put his beer and pizza down and gathered her in his embrace. “Now, let’s go put some heat on Sonya and Mike. They’ve been trying to tell us something for a while now.” With that idea, Saryah’s mood lightened considerably. Taking her crutches, she hobbled back into the living room and plopped down on the couch.

Ben followed, balancing her soda, his beer, and his pizza with grace. As he put everything on the coffee table, he eyeballed Mike.

“So, what’s this news? You’ve been trying to tell us for a while now and I, for one, am done waiting!”

Sonya’s eyes lit up! She looked at Mike, hoping he’d speak up. He took the nonverbal cue.

Clearing his throat, he began. “There’s two parts to this. They’re completely unrelated, but both great news. First off, my boss offered to make me a foreman for his company… right here in Augusta. I’m going to manage and oversee an entire branch.” Saryah wanted to jump up and hug him, but her cast wouldn’t allow it. He stopped her with his hand. “But, that’s not the biggest part. So, this is totally unrelated to the bigger, better paying position that I will take over after the first of the year. Our band…” He stopped, grinned at Sonya, and kissed her unabashedly right in front of her mother and sister before continuing. “We got an offer to record and sign a contract.” 

“What?” Both Saryah and Ben exclaimed at the same time.

“There’s more. Sit down, especially you, Crip. Don’t jump like that. You could make your foot worse.”

“Well, man, what is it?”

“We’re going after Christmas to lay down the first ten tracks. If the producer likes it, we’ll be talking about a 5 album deal. 5 albums, man!” Ben was up hugging his best friend.

“IF we get the deal, we’ll also go on tour with a major tour as the opening act.”

Ben looked puzzled. “How on earth are ya gonna build houses and go on tour, man?”

“We’ll work that out. Larry already knows this is on the table. I got the offer the same day he presented the job in Augusta.”

They embraced again.

Saryah, from a seated position, clapped her hands. “Come gimme a hug, Mike. That’s fantastic news! I’m so happy for you!” After a short hug, Saryah turned to Sonya. “So, sis, does this mean you’re moving to Augusta too?”

“Not right away. Mom needs me at home, and I want to stay with Dr. Lim as long as possible. But, I’ll be here on weekends.” Sonya grinned.

“You can stay here! I can always use the company. Bring Mom sometimes if she’s up to it.” Saryah volunteered.

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