Chapter 19 - Wedding

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The next few months went by quickly. Saryah and Ben grew in their love for one another as he prepared to deploy and they both helped Sonya and Mike with the wedding. Ben’s time was usually limited to work and not much else, as was normal in the life of the pre-deployment soldier.

Sonya’s wedding was the next day, and they’d just left the rehearsal dinner.

“Behave yourself, soldier! That man’s gotta get married to my sister tomorrow.” Saryah teased Ben as she gave him a “goodbye” kiss before they parted ways to go to the Bachelor/Bachelorette parties.

“You keep the bride in line, too, silly. She’s marrying my best friend. Can’t have her too tired.” Ben smiled mischievously, raising his eyebrows in innuendo, sending Saryah into the giggles. “Get some sleep yourself, okay?”

“You got it, babe.” He kissed her quickly before walking towards the group of groomsmen.

Sonya tapped her sister on the shoulder. “You think they’re gonna get into trouble? Those two haven’t partied together since before Ben deployed.”

“Nah! I think they’re fine. They’ve always had each other’s backs. Besides, Mike is more interested in tomorrow than whether he parties tonight. Come on! We have some celebrating to do also!”

“Hi, my girls!” Maura said as she walked towards them. “What are we planning tonight?”

“A surprise!” Saryah said, laughing hard. “The other ladies should be here in a few minutes. We’re taking a limo to a secret destination! You in, Ma?”

Maura’s expression was curious at least. “I don’t know that I trust this, Saryah.”

“Come with us, pleeeease!” Saryah and Sonya had said together at the same time; exactly in the same way they did as little girls.

“I guess so, but we can’t be gone all night.” She said, fatigue ringing in her tone. “We have a wedding tomorrow, and the bride doesn’t need tired bags under her eyes! And neither does her mother!” She kissed each girl’s cheek in turn!

Saryah put the cheap veil on Sonya’s head, and pinned a “The Bride” sash on her shirt.  The ladies all piled into the limousine. Champagne or sparkling grape juice filled every glass.

“Okay! Let’s go! We’ve got some celebrating to do before we celebrate some more. Here’s a toast to you, sis! Happy Beginnings!”

All the ladies echoed the toast, raising glasses and drinking a sip. Each one had a toast and the 30 minute drive to their destination went rather quickly with laughter and a few tears.

They arrived in Knoxville at Market Square, where there were multiple clubs and restaurants. They danced, walked, and a few even drank, for about two hours. Saryah was busy talking when she bumped into a large wall: A wall made of muscles and flesh.

“Oh! Sorry! Excuse me!” She said without looking up.

“Excuse you? Sure. What in the world are you doing here?” She looked her obstacle in the face.

“I should ask you the same thing, Mark. Not that it’s any of your business, but my sister’s getting married tomorrow.”

“Oh, well, congratulations.” He said looking at her twin, a bit thrown off. “I’m here on business.”

“Mom, Sonya, this is Mark.” She said, a little too roughly.

He noticed her left hand when she introduced them. “I see congratulations are in order for you, too?”

“Yeah. Thanks.” She felt herself withdrawing like a child facing a bully.

“When’s the big day?” He seemed a little too perky, too interested, but she’d play along. She knew seeing him again was sheer coincidence.

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