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“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your beautiful wife, Ben.” He heaved a sigh, excitement and anticipation resounded as he lifted her veil, looked her in the eyes, wiped her happy tears with his thumb, and gently holding her head on either side, kissed her with all the passion, commitment, and love he felt in his heart.

She returned his kiss, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaned against his body.

The preacher cleared his throat, which sent a mirthful giggle through the couple and the family and friends gathered to witness their vows.

Saryah didn’t care. Everything they’d been through to get here ran through her mind. She’d kiss her groom and kiss him well. Finally, reluctantly, and with many small pecks after, they stopped. Each gave the other a smile, which was a promise for the evening to come, before turning, holding hands, to face their loved ones.

“It is with great honor and personal joy that I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Campbell.” And with those words, they all but sprinted down the aisle towards their new life.

A Love Worth HavingWhere stories live. Discover now