Chapter 2 - What it Really Means

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Maura sat with her beautiful family enjoying her enchiladas and tortilla chips with queso sauce. Mike was enjoying the story Saryah was finishing about their fourth grade field trip fiasco. After laughing for nearly five solid minutes, the group quieted down again.

Saryah’s face turned serious; too serious, if you asked Maura. “So, Mom, what exactly did the doctor say and what’s the next step? I’m not just here to visit, you know. I’m here to help you get on your way to recovery.”

Obviously, from Sonya’s expression, she knew everything already, but she amazingly kept quiet and let Mom do the talking for a change.

“Well, more tests to start. The first test that came back just said that it was abnormal. Then they did another test, confirming growth. After that they checked to see if it was benign or malignant. It was malignant, meaning harmful. Now I have options. They’re fairly certain that it was caught early. That’s the biggest key. You two make sure you get your check-ups. Every doctor is different. Some say every year, others every two to three unless you have a reason to have one sooner. Make sure you’re taking the time to take care of yourselves. Lord knows, you’re both worth it. Any who... now I can do several things: surgery, chemo, radiation, or some crazy combination of the three. I meet with an oncologist late next week to further discuss, and come up with a plan for, my treatment.”

Saryah wordlessly stood, walked around the table, and hugged her mom fiercely. Maura could feel the tears wetting her shirt from her daughter’s sadness.

“I’m really going to be okay, baby...”

“How can you say that, Mom? Can... cance... I can’t even say it! It could kill you! I don’t wanna live without my Moms, ya know? How are you so ... calm?”

“It isn’t me! I have been wrestling with fear since they first suspected, but here’s my secret. I know who’s in control. I know what He’s done for me and what he will do for me. Cancer can’t take me from His love. So, why should I be afraid? Even if he calls me home...”

“NO! Mom! Don’t even go there. Don’t. You’re not gonna die.” Saryah interrupted.

Mom just put her hand up, smiled, and waited for her daughter to settle down so she could finish.

“Saryah... leaving here would only mean being with Him. This is a temporary home, not my forever body. To be dead here is to be Present with Him. How could we want anything less?”

“Because, Mom, you need to be here with us... with ME! We’re praying for healing... not dying... right?”

She cupped her daughter’s cheeks, tears streaming down her own as well. “Either way, God will come through. There is nothing but victory when He’s my conqueror, defender, and healer! I love you, but don’t be over dramatic. We have time, and right now, I want to spend it with you girls. Come here, Sonya.”

Sonya rose hesitantly, not wanting to encroach on the moment Saryah and Mom were having. “I love you girls both so much. No matter what happens, you hear me? No ... Matter ... What ... I will always love you and it won’t ever change.”

“We know, Mom!” The girls said in unison.

Not wanting him to feel left out, Maura signaled Mike to come join them.

“Group hug!” Mike sang in a sing-song voice. He squeezed them all harder than he meant to, but this was the closest to family he’d had in a very long time.

“Now, let’s finish eating. We have somewhere else to go.” Saryah announced, getting gasps and hmm’s from the others at the table.

“Like where, sis?” Sonya wondered, knowing full well her sister wouldn’t divulge any information.

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