Chapter 8 - Quick Run

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Saryah’s phone rang as soon as she unlocked her front door. A quick glance at the caller I.D. brought a smile to her face. She answered as she shut and locked it behind her.

“Bored without me already?” She asked.

“Actually, yes. I really had a good time tonight. I misjudged you entirely. Thanks for being a forgiving person.” Ben’s voice was soft and calm. She liked this side of him.

“I think I should be saying the same. And it was fun; lots of fun. So, we’ll see you Thursday, right?” 

“Uh, yeah. What time? What do I bring?” He sounded a bit hesitant.

“Bring what you like to eat, especially if you like something done a certain way. I’m not much of a cook. Sonya’s making the turkey, Mike’s making the stuffing, and if Mom comes with them, she’ll be bringing desserts with her.” She laughed at herself. She knew she was a horrible cook, but was so glad they were all joining her. 

“How about sweet potatoes and dinner rolls?” Ben offered.

“Sounds perfect. The only things or I make really well are the sweet tea and pecan pie. For some crazy reason that I don’t understand, I got those two down perfectly. Go figure!” 

The sound of her laugh made Ben smile. He wanted to spend more time with her. He just didn’t know how to ask.

“I happen to be an expert on pecan pie. So I’ll be the one to decide if it’s good or not!” He laughed back. “Can I call you again? Sometime?”

“Oh, of course you can. I’d really like that, Ben. I’m sorry I wasn’t sensitive enough to realize you were being sincere. So, what are you planning to do with the rest of your weekend?” Saryah asked, not wanting to end the conversation yet.

“Real exciting stuff: laundry, dishes, cleaning my room and making my soldiers do the same. We’re supposed to have a bowling thing tomorrow night with B.O.S.S., but I’m not sure I’ll go. There’s a comedian at the NCO Club tomorrow night. Would you wanna go with me? I think you’d be way more fun than a bunch of under-aged soldiers bowling.” He actually crossed his fingers in anticipation of her response.

“Yeah. That sounds good. What time? Where should we meet?”

“Why don’t I pick you up? We’ll go have that steak dinner I owe you first. Is 5:30 too early?” Asking her out was easier than he imagined it would be. 

“That’s perfect. Are we going casual, or is it an L.B.D. night?”

“I don’t know. What’s “L.B.D.” exactly?”

She laughed out loud. That was common knowledge, wasn’t it? “It means little black dress, or long black dress, depending on the woman and the occasion, of course.”

“Hmm. Let’s keep it casual. Save that L.B.D. for a really special occasion.” He chuckled deeply, sending a reverberation through her being. 

“I’ll text you my address sometime tomorrow. I look forward to it! Good night, Ben.”

“Good night, Saryah. See ya tomorrow.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

 Saryah was up with the sun, and planned to run while her coffee brewed. She was in a great mood, and had Ben to thank for it. A text alert buzzed as she was leaving.

Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep? 

Saryah smiled. What a guy!

She replied:

I’m brewing coffee and heading out for a run. Care to join me? 

She stepped onto the street, happy, to be out and about. Another text. 

“How am I gonna run if you’re texting me?” She said aloud to her phone.

The text read:

Dontcha know it’s a man’s job to make the coffee? It’s even in the Bible: “He-brews.” Thanks for the offer, but I’m headed to the gym to get some laps in at the pool. I’ll see you tonight. Be safe out there.

Saryah laughed out loud, then replied:

That’s the worst joke I’ve heard all week. I love it. Thanks! See you tonight.

Saryah turned her phone to vibrate, and started off towards the nearby park that had a good track around it. She usually ran three miles a day. She decided to cut it a little short. She had a list of things she had to finish before Ben arrived that evening. Some were fun, others were just necessary. 

She headed back home as she mentally ran the list through her mind.




*Gas in the car

*Eat lunch

*Pay cell phone and electric bills

She stepped into the street, not looking, because normally there were no cars this early in the morning anyway. 

She didn’t see the pickup truck coming straight toward her. 

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