Chapter 20 - Part II - It's See You, Not Goodbye!

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Morning came, and Saryah found herself alone. She looked at the clock. 8:00 a.m. Where was Ben? How had she slept through him leaving? She looked around, but knew he was already gone. She vaguely remembered him kissing her, but it was more like a dream.

A text rang in.

I’ve got 5 minutes. Wanted to say I love you before I go back into the fray of craziness. Sorry I didn’t wake you up. Hope you’re not mad.

She sent a text back.

I think you kissed me, but I could’ve been dreaming. I can’t stay mad for long. I love you too. Want me to bring some breakfast? I’m getting ready now.

She had to put on her brave face now. It was Zero Hour. She wasn’t sure how she’d manage, but she had to try. Another text came while she was getting ready.

Hey sis. Wanted to make sure you’re okay. Holler if you need anything.

She smiled and grabbed her clothes. Another text chime sounded off, and a call came in while she was getting dressed.

“Hello?” She said, hurriedly.

“Saryah, this is Paula. How’re you doing?”

“Right now, I just want to get to him. I can go visit him for a few hours before they leave, and I plan on it. I’m getting dressed now.”

“If you need anything, you know to call me, right, sweetheart? We’re family. We’re gonna make sure you stay sane until he gets back.”

“Paula, you’re gonna make me cry! Yes, I will call, and probably visit quite a bit. I may even steal Alison and take her on a weekend trip just to get my mind off Ben.”

“That’s perfect, Saryah. Give my love to Ben and make sure you give him a kiss to look forward to when he comes home.” Paula made Saryah laugh, and she needed that at the moment.

“Yes ma’am! I can do that! Thanks for calling me. I’m sure Mom will call too. Sonya already sent me a text. How do you do this over and over?”

“Honestly, Saryah, it’s hard every time, but we have to cling to our faith, keep our chins up, and plan for homecoming. I’ve gotta go. Love to you, and give Ben a hug from his Mom, okay?”

“Okay! Bye.”

The clock said 9:00 already, and she still had a stop to make. She wanted to maximize her time with Ben and memorize everything about him. She grabbed her keys and purse and almost flew out to the car.


Finding Ben was harder than she thought.

Where are you?

She waited and looked around, bag in hand. She’d found his favorite breakfast, bacon and pancakes with extra bacon on the side, and even managed to get him a cup of coffee.

Her phone rang as she put the food down.

Turn around and walk into the office three doors down on the left. And bring that delicious smelling bag, too.

She did as the text directed. When she found the office, no bigger than a small bedroom, she sat at the table and waited. A red teddy bear suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. It had a heart that said: “Always Yours” in its paws, and the eyes were big black beads, and it was smiling. She grabbed it and inhaled before turning around.

“Where? How?” She looked blankly at Ben, wondering when he had time to get her a bear in all the commotion of deployment.

“It’s an extra from Operation Comfort. They give stuffed animals to the kids when their parent deploys. This one said: Give me to Saryah.”

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