Chapter 11: His Rival's Growth

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    February arrived.

   It had been just over six months since Clyde arrived in Endnark even though it felt like it had been years. In the six months that he had been here, Clyde felt as if he had accomplished absolutely nothing. Varensis was definitely not an accomplishment – if anything it was another addition to his list of failures.

   However, ever since the meeting with Oskelo and the others, Clyde felt extra motivated. In his excitement, he completely forgot the risks he was running by following up on his plan. He did, however, keep his meeting private – not even telling Anya. Every night he sat in his room, working against the candlelight. It took time, but he was finally able to put the light out.

   Some nights would end with him successfully putting out the flame and others ended with him grasping his arm, wincing in pain with the candlelight burning brightly. All this was done without assistance from either Sparla or Kane.

   Speaking of which, Kane had yet to return from Middlehaven, although he sent messages on occasion to Zane informing everyone that he was alive and well. Instead, Clyde spent his days trying to pick up his grades and banishing the light from the candle. Although Felix was his neighbor, Clyde only got to speak to him at school. It seemed that he and Atticus were always busy training off in the grounds.

   Privately, Clyde was starting to miss Kane and the useless training…

   “What do you guys do in your training time?” Clyde asked Felix one day as they walked to class. “I mean with the amount of time you guys are spending, I’m surprised you’re not Middlehaven’s new defender already.”

   “Something new every day,” he replied casually. “Calodous and I still don’t get along all that well, so half the time we usually just spend in forcing him to obey orders.”

   “Really? That day we were attacked at sea he seemed to obey you like, right away…”

   Felix shook his head. “It may not seem like it, but Calodous is a jokester. He thinks everything is funny – until we get hit with a life or death situation. Then he becomes serious.”

   “Kin know what jokes are?” Clyde muttered, rolling his eyes. “They all seem dead serious to me…”

   They stepped into their history class with Jassy at their heels.

   “Hey guys!” she piped excitedly, throwing her arms in the air. “Did you guys hear what we’re gonna be learning about today?”

   Clyde grunted and shook his head, but Felix immediately shot off into an explanation.

   “On second thought,” said Jassy, lifting a finger in front of his face, “don’t spoil it for me… I just know it’s about a romance.”

   Groaning, Clyde took a seat at his favorite spot next to the window.

   “Someone tell me why we’re learning about a romance in history class again?” he asked.

   “Well, if you’d just let me finish –”

   “No Felix! Don’t you say another word!”

   As the class progressed, Clyde’s mind wandered aimlessly as he stared out the window. Clouds were slowly appearing, darkening the blue skies. It was near impossible to focus in this class since the teacher was human. Clyde couldn’t take any of his human teachers seriously…

   Still he tried to catch a few words, aware that his grade depended on it.

   “Floyd the Fool,” he heard the teacher say. “Known as one of the great Tamers of his day…he lived in Ephemeraldon back in the year 1435…was also known as the tamer of Encastra, the witch Kin…went from the best to worst…began to have nightmares…died of a broken heart…”

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