Chapter 13: Making a Case

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   Clyde awoke to a rather dimly lit room. He immediately became aware of the stinging sensation in his arm and he let out a small cry as he examined the cast that was around it. By the look of it, he was in the same hospital bed he had been in after taming Varensis. Thick, black rainclouds hung lazily in front of the window, blocking whatever sunlight it could.

   And then, he snapped as he quickly figured out why he was probably in here in the first place. Excitement and anxiety coursed through him as he scanned the room for Oskelo. His heart dropped when he saw that he was completely alone.

   Did he even tame him?

   Aside from his throbbing arm, Clyde didn’t feel any different. In his mind, he ordered Oskelo to show himself, but nothing happened. The anxiety was now turning into anger and he clenched his right hand and bared his teeth.

   No way, he thought to himself. What happened? I thought I had him…

   To his right, there was a table with a bouquet of flowers. He grunted angrily and tucked himself back under the sheets, making sure to keep his arm as stiff as possible. He would fall into a fitful slumber and be awakened a few hours later by visitors at his door.

   “Ah, you’ve regained consciousness,” said Felix.

   “Thank goodness for that, too,” said Anya.

   They were both grinning ear to ear, but Clyde could not join them. His anger had subsided during his nap and now, disappointment was running through him. Clyde gazed at Anya’s smiling face and he couldn’t help but to wonder why she was smiling at a time like this.

   Clyde had failed her – again.

   “So I have to ask,” said Felix, seating himself in one of the chairs, “how’d you come up with something so preposterous?”

   Anya folded her arms. Gone was her grin and now she stuck her nose in the air stubbornly.

   “Because he’s an idiot,” she said to Felix.

   “Since when have you two become friends?” Clyde said, almost groaning.

   “I’ve been his friend –” Anya snapped.

   “We’ve decided to set our differences aside,” Felix interrupted. “But that doesn’t matter, how’re you feeling?”

   Honestly? Clyde felt like hiding under the bed covers. Instead, he forced himself to smile and said, “I’m fine.”

   “Oh, don’t act so modest, Clyde,” said Anya sticking her tongue out at him. “I know you too well for that.”

   The boy frowned at her.

   “Fine, you want me to complain? Because once I start, I’m not gonna stop.”

   Anya and Felix stared at him questioningly.

   “I know you’re worked up over that arm of yours,” Felix admitted, “but I didn’t think you’d let something as measly as that get you down.”

   “What’re you talking about?”

   “Oskelo,” said Felix. “You tamed him. I was right there when it happened.”

   Clyde’s eyes widened and he sat straight up, hurting his left arm in the process.

   “Wait, what?” he started in bewilderment. “How do you know? Where’s he at? And – wait, you saw me tame him?”

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