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Noi's POV

Em.....Where are we....

I remember that Zex came to Earth and was going to kill Princess A-


Where's Ava?!

"What the heck was that?!"yelled Leif. I looked around.....dark and gloomy....
"We're back in Daemos...."

Yes , we are....

"What did you do?!"said Leif with his hands grabbing Zex's collar. Zex phased onto a tree branch.

"The human must have reacted differently to the teleportation.*sniff* She's on our astral plane.....And-"

"She'll be mine..."He tortured us with his words and phased away.


"Let him be."

I looked at Rhys shockingly. Why can you be calm in such time?!

"We have to find her!"said Pierce nervously."Indeed , we should. Ava's our priority. But....She'll be safe. As long as she can lie."

"What do you mean?""Ava's smart , let's just hope that she'll be calm about this.""What did you do?"asked Asch. Rhys looked at Asch with calm face.

"Let's just change back to Daemos outfits before anyone saw us."

Rhys' POV

I hope that Ava will be calm about this....

Calm about the fact that....

She's a disguised Daemos.....

"Rhys!"I looked at Asch who's looking at me furiously.

Right , we're in a half way of a discussion of how to get into Asch's castle.

Tha plan right now was Pierce , Leif and I went into the castle to look for Ava while Asch and Noi go to look Lady Grandma through the secret pathway that I just found.


Asch says we go together to prevent one of us got spotted by a guard and got found that we're back.

At first I was trying to disagree but.... I remember that Lady Grandma didn't pick up my call back on Ear-th.


I agree to follow Asch's idea.

"This way , hurry up."I opened the entrance that combined with the walls, urging Asch and the others before any guard or Zex saw us.

While leading the way to the altar , I had a torch in my hand. One was to light up the way. Second was because the altar's secret door way will open when it's detected fire. According to Lady Grandma.

Very fast , a door slightly opened up and I can assumed that....

The altar , we're here.

I jumped down from the door which was not sticked close to the ground. I walked to the exit and looked around the altar , found that everything seems normal- Wait a second....what was that at the end?....

Lady Grandma?!

I rushed towards her and found that she's frozen...by magic.....

How can this even happen?

"Asch , do you think you're able to melt the ice with your magic?""With delight."said Asch while create fire in his grip.

The ice slowly melts and after the upper body of Lady Grandma's are revealed , Lady Grandma immediately hit Noi's head with her spectre for no reason...

"You disgrace lady! I treat you like a daughter and you-!....Oh , it's you boys."She sighed and walked slowly to her table.

"Who did this to you ,Grandma?" "Ugh , that wench with a bad spirit. Super bad intentions....""Wench?"

"Lady Bish...."We all looked at Asch shockingly."Did she found that we're on Earth for this whole time?""She used magic to take Zex to Ear-th and a potion to bring you guys back."

"He did take Princess Ava with us though-""Noi!"We all looked at him , requesting him to not reveal a human on Daemos."Princess? Hmph...got a girlfriend back , Asch?"

"Grandmother!""Oh hoho , I just teasing you , grandson. Now , who's this Princess Ava of you boys?"We looked at each other and didn't know how to respond.


After that whole explanation , Lady Grandma smacked Noi's head with her spectre angrily."Hey! What did I do wrong?!""Cause I don't like you Scrub!"

:( Sed Noi.....

"Bringing a human back on a Daemos. Are you boys got nuts?!""It's an accident , Lady Grandma. Besides,  Rhys said that she'll be fine....with no full explanation."

"What did you do , Rhys?""I disguised her into a Daemos. Just to prevent from being spot different.""You did what?!"This time,  I got a smack in the head."You know that there's was limited of suns for this magic! And you still use it!"

I scratched my head for making such mistake."Well...at least you did something good with magic , not like that Wench who froze me into ice!"

She does want to revenge on this. "Do you know where is she?"Well....that's a really serious question....."Zex did mentioned that she's on their astral plane...."

"Then , you're at the right place. This is their astral plane.""You mean..." "Ava's in the castle."answered Pierce. "She must be around."

"H-How are we suppose to find her?! The castle was so humongous! There are guards everywhere and we can't just go around the place. It might take forever-!""Silents! We will find her... as long as we do it fast..."yelled Asch.

"Let's go....and find our prisoner...."


Oh my , Oh my

I really try

I'm not like Aphmau

Who's smart and creative

Hope you like it this chapter


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