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Noi's POV

Ugh....What..Where am I...

"You're awake , scrub."

"H-Huh?"I looked at Lady Grandma who's looking at me with her staff below her chin.

"You're really acting dumb in front of the wrong person!"She shakes her staff right in front of my face. I moved backwards a bit from her.

"Noi , are you alright?""Huh? Yeah , I am-" "I repeat young lady , I want you to get your dumb brain improved before you head to the spirit's stable!"
A head appeared behind the door frame. She then leaned her body against the door frame."Give me a break , Maam.""Words! Don't tell some weird things to me. And now you scrub , Leif had told me every. single.thing!"

"Lady Grandma , it's not so nice to call him such thing. You should call him something like....sweet cinnamon boy."

....Did Ava just call me cute?

My face was heated up for a sudden.

Like what Rhys told us earlier , there's curled upwards pink horns stick out from her head. She's wearing complete knight outfit and a emerald made spirit whistle around her neck.

"Ava , Lady Bish wants to meet you. Probably about the Ream.""Tell that bitch I'm coming."she said while rolled her eyes and inform the guard.

"Behave your manners. Ava. Not to mention you got three responsible on your shoulder.""Yeah , Yeah. I'm not going too far. I'm just calling her that. Later Noi.""You-!*sigh*"Lady Grandma sighed while hitting the floor with her staff hardly.

"Is she....""A new knight in the castle. And she's going to have a higher rank than you. Better prepare yourself."

I would love to...let her win over me....

"What's with that face , scrub? Don't tell me you had feelings on my granddaughter in law." Wait- Granddaughter in law? If Ava is... then....Is Lady Grandma giving Asch the opportunity to court Ava!? Not even a chance!

"Not even a chance , Ava and I were-" "Shut up , Scrub! Since you're healed, now. bye!" said Lady Grandma while walking out of my chamber.

After cleaning myself up , I walked out of my room and bumped into this weird behaviour girl....

"H-Hey! Watch where you're going , critter!""Sorry." I apologized and looked at her who had full of nervous accent but acted strong. She has dark blue metal armour below her knees to her ankle and her shoulder as well. She had these...glaoses....but in light blue colour. She has a pair of curled up dark brown horns....which makes her one of us?

"Make way , could you?""Ah , sorry!" As I moved to the other side , I heard the word 'pathetic' split out her mouth. "Mind your manners!" I sighed and walked away.

How could there be such a bad manner Daemos in the castle?....

Ava's POV

Got dragged by the damn guard , all my way to the discussion room. "Lady Bish , she's here.""Ugh , you know I hate Daemos that were late for a important meeting.""You didn't tell me that , bitch."I bite the "bitch" deep enough , just in case she heard me again.

"So here's the plan. We shall run into the main spot of City of Light. Then , we take the jewel from Petalyze. Simple , right? I believe this is easy like killing a human." I do ignore every single word from that Daemos' mouth.

For information, Ream is a world with soul of humans. They're like ghost , transparent so it's unharmed to them if we stab them. It's a world where dreams and nightmares were created. But this time , we're attacking the gods in Ream instead Deam.

4 guardians were chosen as the main gods for Ream. First and foremost was her highness Petalyze. Who's name sounds like Paralyze. She had the main 4 elements on Ream , which was classified as the most powerful among the main 4.

"Ava. Ava. AVA!"I freaked out and looked at Lady Bish who's screaming my name like hell."I assume some Daemos as smart as you , had a better plan than me. Don't you?"

Son of a-

Behave your manners , Ava.

Lady Grandma's 'kind' advice suddenly echoed in my head , which makes me swallow the word down.

"Eh-S-So.....""Don't stutter such time. Hurry up. You still got a stable to clean up." I rolled my eye and quickly think of an stupid idea.

"Why don't we....look for the villains' on Ream that were on the same line , hoping to cooperate with us , and take the jewel?" Lady Bish looked at me suspiciously. I gave her a awkward smile.

"That's actually a great idea."

Wait what?!

"What? Pardon me!?"

"The tone , your highness."

I looked at her who failed to argue with me. I secretly stick out my tongue for winning this argument. She can't do anything to me I assume. Not to mention I'm her royal advisor and all of that freaking jobs.

So....I do have the right to scold her

I felt proud for it

"You see your highness , there's a area of Ream beneath the shadows , called....Villain's League. I do heard legends that they are super talented and have high interest in Petalyze's jewels-" Right at the moment before her assistant finished talking , there's a lot of people rushing outside of the room.

"What's going on!?"

"Lady Bish! It's one of the gods of the Ream! She sneaked into the palace without the Daemos guards noticing!" A god? From Ream? A girl!?

I ran out from the meeting room and saw a girl with deer horns just flew upon our heads. She stared at me with her galaxy colour eyes. As her eyes suddenly widen , she crashed onto a pillar and collapsed onto the ground.

"Are you alright-" I asked her , full of kindness. She suddenly grabbed my hands nervously , her accent has high excitement."Ava! Is it you?! Is it really you!?" I nodded hesitantly.

"Don't you remember me?"

I shook my head.


"She's somewhere here , I just know!"

She freaked out as she heard Lady Bish's voice from afar. She start to run and a flying surfboard appeared below her heels.

She flew out of the main gates as I followed her."Wait! You haven't tell me your-"

She float from afar the floating island , looking into my pink eyes.

"The name's Ander."
She said in full Japanese accent.

She smiled and fell down from the air. I looked down and found a purple portal disappeared in a second....


Why that sound so familiar?

So Close to 100 reads people
It's just so important
So 3 times

I can't believe it can actually go so far!!!


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