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Now readers , I'm thinking of....
Adding a countdown calendar for Asch and Ava's 'wedding' , so I could actually make it up easier.

Countdown : 1️⃣4️⃣ days

Ava's POV

Ugh , fourteen days to the ceremony....

I don't really feel like doing this....

After whatever happened yesterday , I felt like Asch's father will be so mad at me for what I done. Even thought Asch told me that "I have a talk with him and told him not to compared my birth mother with you. You're perfect just the way you are." , I still felt sorry for what I done....No , what Irene done.

Right I'm having my hug time with Johnny , until a stray cat came to disturb us.

"Ava , Lady Bish requested you in her chamber now." Zex said as he busted in the room. Johnny looked at him , growling and hissing at Zex. "Now now , it's gonna be fine , Johnny. Sure I will." I said as I dropped Johnny on the bed and lead to Bish's chamber with Zex.

Rhys's POV

It's the 90 degree of the sun , which means I'm right now mentoring Ava.

But we ended the class earlier...

I was tutoring Ava about some potion and found her face quite pale and struggling for something....

"Ava? Are you-" Right I'm going to ask her circumstances , she suddenly smacked her curled up fist hardly on the wooden table. She lifted her head up , having eye contact with me.

I was shocked.

Her eyes were turning from white to her usual eye colour in a sequence but very quick. She soon closed her eyelids and fell unconscious on the ground.

"Ava! What's wrong with you?! Ava! Can you hear me?!" I questioned her in a high volume while shaking her unconscious body, hoping she had a small movement.

"What's this?" "Rhys! What's going on here?!" I turned and found Prince Asch , Pierce , Leif and Noi standing right behind me. "You better have not killed her!" Leif exclaimed.

"I didn't! She just fainted like that!" "How could we trust you , if you're not actually telling the truth?!" Asch yelled at me , thinking if I had harmed her.

"He is telling the truth."
They turned back and found Emo who's hands on the bookshelf , fingers wondering around the books. "I believe it gotta do something with poisonous plants since she did went to the Enchanted forest earlier. I think I should get her back to her chamber. Especially , since she's facing some big events after 14 suns." She said while walked to us with her hand putting a strand of her black hair behind her ear.

"We should take Ava back to her chamber before anything happen to he-" Before she could laid her fingers on Ava's body , Ava's arm was rose from the ground and pushed Emo by the bookshelf. As she bumped into , the bookshelf moved forward and backward and it's gonna collapsed on her.

"Watch out!" I yelled as I wasted some magic by phased right to her and pulled her out from the accident. I pulled her out with my hand on her waist and pinned her on the ground that was covered with opened books.

I glared at her flinched eyes and then her curled up black horns. "Eh.... Thanks. I can get up now ya know? There's someone here." I flinched as I looked up and found Asch with his arms around his body , Leif with the sly look on his face and Pierce covering Noi's eyes.

"S-Sorry." I apologized , then pulled her up from the ground. "You should get a healer or some sort professionals to get Ava heal. I'm actually here to inform her that the dress was ready by the seamstresses and they're willing her to try it on." She said as she picked Ava up and took her back to her chamber while sprinting.

"What?" "Lady Ava was assumed by the healers that she ate a evergreen fruit that was surely caused her fainting. She will be fine , I'm sure." Emo announced as she walked out and stood below the door frame.

"How on Daemos she will eat that?" "Probably IT'S ONE OF THE BITCH'S PLAN! She requested Ava to her chamber earlier.....She wants Ava to die from eating them , but we should thankful that Ava has nine lives like a spirit." Emo said with a tone full of proud.

While the others were busy with their own business , it's me to keep an eye on Ava if she woke up and had a panic attack for whatever happened just now. Since Emo was the only Daemos who could defend herself from Ava's sudden destruction self , Prince Asch demanded her to stay and said that anything happen to Ava will be her responsible.

"What's with your eyes?" She questioned me while petting Ava by the head. I looked at her confusingly. "I mean " , She said with a light pink tint grew upon her face , "you're staring at my horns earlier in the library." My body immediately flinched and heat grew upon my face.

"N-No , I'm not!" "Yes , you are. You're. Literally. Staring. At. Them." , She said while stood up from Ava's bed and walked towards me , "And have you ever heard the fact that when a person insisted of something " , She stopped with her index finger stroking my chin , "It means he wanted it most."

My face was literally gone heated up when she had her eye contact with me.

"You've been warned , Sir Rhys." She said coldly and walked out the chamber , "And she's your responsible right now!"

No- Wait a sec-
"But didn't Prince Asch ordered you to stay in Ava's chamber?!" I yelled but she's nowhere to be found.....

Such a strange woman.....
But rather interesting....

?'s POV

"Should we give it a shot? Like at least we're greatly offered?" I asked but earned a scold from her. "Geez , grow up already! It's obviously a trap! They're probably out there , preparing for a bloodshed surprise!" "Do you have to be so negatively , Oct?" "Leader Oct you mean. And yes , who knows , not to mention they had fused with Deam selves. They're now more smarter, more mischievous then you all thought."
She yelled and huffed as she leaned back to the wall.

"Just give them a chance , not to mention they actually created this dimension before we're actually gone on land. We found a home here." Goth said , trying to let Oct out of her box. "Without her,  this was never a home!"

"Are you actually bringing this up , Oct?! That's years ago!" "She's the only one who understands us , the only one who welcomed us with opened arms. She's a mother to me." Oct said with her tone turning lower down and completely silent.

"How dramatic , that's a very tragic ending." I looked at  Countless Nákaa and growled in a low tone. "You wouldn't understand us , we're some homeless dreamers but in flesh."

"Oh but there's something you don't know , Oct." She said while squatted down and looked her.

"The story doesn't end this way."

"You mean....the last puzzle set..."

"I meant it , Oct~"

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