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Ava's POV

"F-Father..."said the man full of stutter."Rhal , you're late."said the man who's sitting on the throne. The limited lights are giving me the difficulty to see the face of the man on the throne.

"Oh , Bish. You're here."'Yes. We have a delay. Thanks to the peasnat that Rhal found recently." Here we go again.

I rolled my eye and stared at the so dead woman."You are so dead , Bitch." "Excuse me , should I assume it's a kind of cursing?""Yeah , you should. Slut.""How dare you-"


The man on the throne smacked on the throne and cause a small earthquake in the throne room. I almost fell down to the ground.

For some reason....

I felt sad for the throne....XD

"Who is that female Daemos?""The reason why we're late.""Better mind your tongue.""You're the one who should-""Silent! If you two want to fight , fight at the battlefield, not in the throne room!"

"My apologies....Your majesty..."Lady Bish immediately instigate.

Oh.....So he's the king of Daemos....

"What's your name?""Ava , your majesty."I made a curtsey and answered the king. Politely. Just in case I got killed if I said something wrong.

"Tell me , why are you unconscious when my son found you in front of our gates?"

"W-Well , y-you see..."

"Stop stuttering and answer me ,fast."

"I got attacked by a hideous creature and lost my weapons at the same time."

"What weapons? I might have the one in the castle."Weapons?....

I don't even fight! I don't have any battle scars! Think Ava....Think of something Ava....

Ah....Hope this works....

"A bug whistle...your majesty."I said nervously. I closed my eyes , hoping not to found any suspicious....

"So...you're a spirit tamer?"

A what?

You know what?

"Yes , your majesty."

I'm just gonna agree with what he said.

"A spirit tamer! Cool!""Tsk , still a useless peasant.""Hold your tongue,  Bish. She'll be a useful Daemos to us."

Phew , seems my life was spared....

"Why don't she becomes a personal adviser and knight of yours , Bish?" "What?!" I looked at the king who's calm about this.

"She's smart and she'll be able to protect you while giving you advices since you're-""I don't need some disrespectful advice from her!"'Bish!"

Once again , feel sad for the throne.

"*sigh*You'll going to be queen one day. It's time for some changes , especially on your attitude.""But she's not even a trained knight! How am I know is she's useful?!"

Why do I feel I'm just a tool to you , Bitch? I'm the sharpest tool in the shed , I can cut your tongue off.

"Asch's knights can do the work."





"Ugh....No...your majesty." "But father. Asch's not in the castle for months. His knights-"

I can already sensed a bad tempered prince in the castle.

"Asch left the castle , doesn't mean that his knights followed him. He's too tight around his rules."

"But father-""Enough , Rhal. Take her to her chamber."The king stopped Prince Rhal and ordered a servant to him to take me to my room.

"Thanks for bringing me here."I thanked the servant who took me in front of the room. She looked at me emotionless and left without a word. "Is that how Daemos people work here? Gloomy , not smiles? That's weird..."

I stood outside of the room. There's a dark pink banner outside of my room.
This is probably fine....I thought to myself positively......

I opened the door and freaked out when a rat passed by my knee boot.I looked at the new room.

What the heck-

This is just so ridiculous!

Walls that might collapsed ,  a damn rat hole at the corner of the room , a dusty table and a bed with a dull colour sheet. I can't literally see a thing in the room.

And I fell onto the brick made ground , looking at a mouse who's holding a pinch sized food innocently.

Looks I gonna find time to clean up my room while learning to be a rotal advisor , knight and a spirit tamer....

Now I get....

The real definition....

Of the phrase.....

Don't judge the book by it's cover


Sed Ava


She's gonna be fine

I swear to god

Not to mention

She's the main female character

Hope you like it


Aphmau My Inner Demons Season 2 FanmadeWhere stories live. Discover now