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Ava's POV

Today's the day

The day I will be the Lady in waiting to the throne.

Still gonna work for Bish anyway.
(A/N : Literally searched the meaning of it , hope it's correct

I got woke up by the maids who just bust into my room and start dressing me for the day.

I'm now dressed into a black under shirt with a purple armour outside as protection. Black tight pants with a dark purple asymmetrical skirt and a black oversized belt around my waist. High heels included. Like the old times , Petalyze's necklace was still around my neck.

While a maid was tying up my hair into a reverse braid , the emo girl came in with some golden daffodils and some accessories.

"My Lady , aren't you excited? Today's the day , you're one step close to the throne." She asked while placing some flowers beneath my hair. "Yes. But....there's something funny inside me. I kept on having weird illusions about Asch and his knights." , I said while placing my forehead on my palm , "I felt confused...."

"You maybe thought too much , my Lady." She said while placing the last flower and the silver earrings."You're all set , Lady Ava." She bowed and followed me out of the room.

As I opened the door , I bumped into Asch's arms. "O-Oh , hey Asch!" He looked at me and a red tint grew upon his skin. "You looked stunning..." "Thanks , she helped me out anyway." "Anything for you , Lady Ava."

"Ava? You alright?" Asch asked since I was putting my left palm by the wall , taking big breaths. "Yeah...Just *inhale*A bit nervous*exhale*I don't want this to be ruin." I looked down to the red carpet covered floor and my high heels. Soon , I spotted another pair of shoes in my vision. I looked up and found Asch standing in front of me.

"You'll be fine. Just relax , and don't say anything dumb." I glared at him with a quite aggressive face , "Do I look like someone who says something dumb?" "You always had been one." He said as he pinched my face like last time. "Hey!"

I tried to grab his cape to drag him back but turns out to....be a bit over... I jumped to grab him but eventually.... I ended up grabbing his horn and laid his chest. He looked at me while I looked into his coal colour eyes , and a vision flow into my head....

"Silence!" The black hair white horned man yelled as he reached out his arm and burns down some nature being.

"D-D-Did you just..." I stuttered and looked at them

"Prince Asch , do not use magic on unnecessary matters!" yelled a darker skin one.

The cosplay man , who's name turns out to be Asch , walked in front of me , glaring at me , giving me some warning , which I didn't actually listen , cause my eyes got dragged to something....

His horns...

They seems realistic , but probably from any store right?

I grabbed one of his horn and yanked him. But earning some gasp , a "How in the world?!" and a "In public?!".

As I let it go , I do realise that the man in front of me had a gone a bit frustrated and his horn was still strongly attached to his skull.

"They're real....huh?" "How dare you!" He yelled. "I knew should've slept in today...heh..." The last thing I know is that I fainted onto the tile floor....

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