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Rhys' POV

The next sun had arrived.....

We set our positions in the throne room. I stood right next to Prince Asch's tattooed arm.

I looked at the seat of Lady Bish. Empty. Seems like Ava isn't here yet....

The High Council has prepared for a discussion for war. Still empty.

The royal guards shut the doors to prevent interruption of the discussion. Still empty.

"Where's Bish , and the new knight of hers?"

He finally asked....

"We couldn't find any sign of them , your majesty."

"At such time!?" He hit the throne hardly and his voice echoed the throne room.

"*sigh*Nevermind , let's begin without-"A forced open of the door had caught our attention. "Who dare to interrupt the meeting?"

"Sincerely apologies, your majesty. But we do brought some guests to this important discussion."


Ava walked in full of confident. There's flames in her pink eyes. Lady Bish who sat on her seat while getting her hair clean caught my attention.

"What are you even talking about just now?! Is this some kind of joke!? I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!!"Once again , he hit the throne hardly, voice echoed around the closed room.

"They're here , they just hate the old fashioned way to make an entrance...." She looked up and I just noticed there's some figures by the roof top.

"You must be the High Council that Ava's talking about.""Tsk , nothing but a dark coward figure on a throne. Nothing special."

"How dare you-"

"I swear if he hit the throne that's going to break any single moment." "I could give him my chair though. It must have better quality than his." "Hmph , my nose sensed a low amount of magic around here. This makes me sick."

"Get down now! Pay some respect to me! You're in my kingdom and I'm the owner of it!"

They jumped down one by one except this one. The shadow above had a bigger figure and it seems to have a lot of legs....

A green colour leg of his attached into the ground and he- No. She.... She looked at every single of us with a killer eye. Especially Lady Bish for no reason.

8 of them....

One of them was seems to be a leader but human and had many combats advantage by grabbing other with her extra arms.

Two of them were spirits. A darker skin colour male spirit has one of their ears a hole,outfits were more casual. The other one was dressed like a royal and her had a golden band around her forehead.

A human with left metal hand and a metal board located on his stomach that his unbuttoned shirt revealed to me. He had glasses but with seem higher protection on his head.

A dark brown short hair female human with freckles on her face shoeless. A human with blonde hair and long gloves to his elbow.

A woman with some white hair beneath her curled hair and a staff that's looks like mine in her grip.

Lastly , a human with red and golden frame glasses and white long hair. He seems to be the most intelligent among.

"Ha! How would humans even help us!? They're weak and only used for a short while of the increase of magic!" teased one of the member of the High Council.

"What is he talking about?"

"I don't care Tak, but it sounds like an insult to you and your friends..." When did Ava make such angry lies?

"Then we kill them it shall be!" growled the royal spirit with claws appeared by her fingers.

"Gypm , not now."But , they-""We had a deal with Ava. Don't spoil it."

They had a deal with Ava?

"Knight Ava. Who are they? You know what will happen when you brought uninvited guests to this secretly important meeting." demanded his majesty.

"You see , sir. We got blocked by the guards in front of the room , which we had the information that we're going to have a discussion about a war with Reams."


"We believe we had the same mind. You won't regret for letting them to join this meeting."

"You know how important is the meeting. This will conclude the future of Daemos."

"You guys really want Petalyze's jewels so much , I see. Seems the crisis was a trouble of your kingdom."said the male spirit.

"How dare- How could you just tell them our royal problem?!"

The leader looking human suddenly moved her position to his majesty with her extended hands.

"Oct."Ava grabbed her hand and shook her head. This...Oct human listened to Ava?

"King of Daemos. We would like to help in the war of Ream. We usually don't help , please think about this." said the human with red glasses.

"But-""We know. I hope you give us Villains League a chance. We are on the same battle line."

Villains League!?

Ava got them here!?

The member of the High Council start murmuring about this. Villains League aren't any kind humans. They're famous known villains in our scrolls of stories.

"I'm impressed. Knight Ava has the power to get such strong help for Daemos.""Thanks,  your majesty." "Have a seat , members of Villains League. We'll have a great progress with your help."

The human with glasses bowed and sat next to Lady Bish's seat.

"Now...let's begin."

Ava's POV

Phew , luckily I got to the meeting in time.

"Let's make Ream a total mess , together."I turned back and found Dest behind me with his hand reached out.

"With pleasure , Dest. I should be thankful with all of the members of Villains League who trusted me." I shook his hand.

He suddenly leaned my ear.

"I know your tragic story. I won't tell anyone about this." I looked at him confusingly.

He gave a reveal of his sharp teeth and left me on the empty hallway.

He really reminded me of Alistor from Hazbin Hotel though.

I thought and giggled.

Aphmau My Inner Demons Season 2 FanmadeWhere stories live. Discover now