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Ava's POV

"You actually agree to?!" "Relax , it's just to spend a moment with him. It's not like he proposed to me or something." I said while Emo combed my hair and tied my hair into a waterfall braid.

Afetr having a talk or two with Lady Grandma.....I think I should give Asch a chance..... Besides, he might know something I have no idea about....

"Should I come with you, Lady Ava?" "No need , you could head back for your chores." She bowed and left with the door open and Asch waiting for me outside. I sighed, knew all of this will come and walked to him.

"Hey..." "So....My grandmother had talked with you?" "Yes , and I guess....It couldn't be any worst to know more about you right?" I asked and received a giggle from him. "It's worth it to learn more about me. Besides , since you delayed the ceremony , you get some time to know more about me." He said while grabbed my wrist loosely and lead me out the castle.

He brought me to a flower shop and the only worker there beneath the woods right next to a rock cliff. "Prince Asch! Lady Ava! Welcome! It's a honour to have two member of the royal family in this old shop of mine." She bowed and cleaned her messy fringe that had some leaves and branches stuck to.

"Pleasure is all ours. Can you get this lady a bouquet of flowers and heard that you had a secret face paint service but not open to everyone...You know what I meant." "It's my pleasure to work for anyone from the royal family. If you want , my Lady?" She bowed after me and lead me to a basement.

She lead me to a surprisingly clean basement , where it was only decorated with a vase of roses , a table with different makeup materials. "Have a seat, my grace. I shall make you the most gorgeous among all women on Daemos." She said while set me on the chair.

"What's your name, young lady?" "The name's Hong. And oh no , I don't deserve the title of young lady , my grace. I'm quite a big goofy girl." She giggeld as she knocked her forehead on the low basement roof.

"Oh geez , are you alright?" "Everything's just going great , Lady. Now , let me check it out...." She said while lifted my head up , examine my face , deciding the best makeup. I jad realsied that she's quite a beauty.

Ocean eyes and light brown hair......

Where did I see that before.....

"Are you alright , my grace?" "Yeah , you may start." I said as she grabbed some pink dye which I assume was from pink tulips and dark purple dye from purple lavender and painted it on my face. Her smooth touch had calmed my tensed body.

"You're very lucky to have Prince Asch as your groom , Lady Ava." I flinched and moved my body which she then pushed me back onto the chair. "Relax , what's the big deal for such big movement?" "It's just....I didn't even accept the marriage offer yet...."

"What? Like why won't you? Like him and his knights were the total hotties , the girls of Daemos were all head over heels for them , but mostly Asch cause you know...the power and stuff... But like serious , why?"

She....knows me....

"It's just.....something's fishy inside me, Hong. I felt....him and I....had a rival somewhere..... But it's just a vision.... So I don't actually care.... But every time....an action...a sentence.... I could've feel like....I'm forgetting something.... I left something behind.." I spilled the truth to her , letting all my thoughts spill out to this new friend of mine....

"You know...Asch....he actually doesn't want to be king of Daemos in the past several years." I looked at her who walled to the table , grabbing some small decoration crystal dust and a bursh. "What? But he had the right to be , doesn't he?" "Yes. He just....tried to run away from his responsibilities.... But everything changed....when your name gone wild on the streets! Did you convince him to take his responsibility?"

She asked while kneeled down with her head on my lap , waiting for a respond.

But whatever it takes was the fact that......

He accept the honour for being next to the throne?..... For...me? Like maybe he's acting though..... Like this whole marriage was just an act.....


Is he actually serious?

"But....doesn't princes were all very needy to power of being king? Like.... maybe he's just playing around..." "Oh that's wrong, my grace. This clearly showed you never fell in love before." Hong giggled while requested me to shut my eyelids.

"Love could be more powerful than anything on Daemos. Especially true love. But as the fact you just enrolled into the palace and Asch had a major crush on you , that's quite suspicious." She said as she had finished her job and lead me back down to the flower shop.

Asch's POV

Ugh , what's taking them so long? Women indeed was a trouble in dressing up...

"Prince Asch , Lady Ava has finished her face paint." I turned and tensed up whatever I saw. Ava's eyes were painted in pink and dark purple and some mixed white dye and there's some crystal dust mixed among. I can feel my cheeks heated up by her.

"Ooooo , someone's blushing alright." "Shush, Hong. That's not nice for mocking the prince." "And what are you doing , defending for him alright?" Hong said while nudged Ava by the elbow.

"Wanna hang out some other time , Hong?" "Wait really?!" "Yeah , that's what friends do." Ava smiled and looked at her. "I thought you'd never ask!"

Ava's smile suddenly disappeared and looked at her feet.

She remembered something , didn't she?

"Ava? Are you alright?" "H-Huh , yeah. Definitely , we should head back before Rhal screaming around the palace for your disappearance. See ya later Hong." She said and quickly walked away. I felt confused and quickly catch up to her.

?'s POV

I looked at the woman walked away and sighed while revealing myself in the shadows.

These magic indeed wasted my energy....


This waste of magic was worth it

Since I get to know so much.....

About my long lost friend.....


Folks thank you so much for 2K! I'll make even better than ever! Besides, do you think I should post a new story? Comments please

Anyway stay safe!


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