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Ava's POV


Where am I?....

"Ava! Wait up!"
I turned and found a girl with white buttoned long sleeves shirt and a brown skirt calling out my name.

"Oh , hey _____."There's another me waving my hand to the girl. I don't have any horns upon my head. I seem.... like a human?

"You bad girl! You left me alone , too bad I found you!"I can barely see the face of the human. I can see a clear burnt mark on her face but not the others....

"Come on , ______. Don't think too much , I walked slower than any time,  just hope you could catch up to me." "Awwww , Ava! You're just the best!" The human gave me a warm hug.

"Did you heard something?""Oh my! We're gonna be late! Hurry up , ______! Before Mr. Gol gave us detention!"


Why can't I hear her name?.....

Right I was about to reach out my hand , ask for her name , she grabbed the human me's hand and ran away. Till they're out of my sight....

Who is she....

Who is that me?...

Why am I a human?.....

"Ava!"I turned back and found a female werewolf behind me.

I had transferred to a white space , no corners.... I looked at the werewolf. The brightness of the wall has blurred my vision to the female.

She's not Ander.....Who is she?....

"Come on , Ava!"
She yelled and start running.

"Wait! I don't even know your name! Wait please!"I yelled and the world of white suddenly collapsed and I fell...



⚜Dream end⚜

I opened my eyes , panting for air. I looked around and found myself back in my finished decorated bedroom. On Daemos.

"*sigh*Just a dream. Just a dream." I got up from bed and found it's already kinda....6 in the morning? After I changed into my knight outfit , tying up my hair into a messy bun , putting on the whistle and set off to the spirit stable.

"Argh , stupid spirit. But you're just too adorable."I hold my bleeding finger,  staring at the sphinx looking spirit. It's just irresistibly adorable , the fox ears and those....Yesh.

That spirit had bite me like the second time."Come on , eat up."I held out a piece of fresh fruit and....the third time.

I hold my breath from it's bite , I can feel my blood dripping onto the ground slowly. Until for a while , it stopped and licked on my scar. Then , it flew around my body.

"Hehe , well aren't you just-""Send it to the spirit stable? Are you sure?" "That's the lord's command."I looked at the entrance and found this tall sienna skin colour Daemos standing there with a spirit on his grip.

"*hiss*-""Hush up , spirit. Eat up." I stuffed a fruit into his mouth from hissing in my ear."Ava?""*mumble* God damn , everyone does kinda know my name...Yes?"

He walked towards me and pat on the head. He does have a very nice looking face though... My thoughts stopped until a hiss sound happen to be in his grip.

I looked and found a spirit with a huge brown spot on his face."Well , well. What do we have here?" I grabbed the spirit away from his hands , admiring the beauty of it.

"We found it at the forest. It seems untamed and wild.""Oh I see. It was a shame for it's beautiful but dirty fur." I twirled with the spirit in my grip , the spirit....it seems familiar though..

"Cute but not today...."

"....You frickin jerk cat!"

"You're so stupid....but I love you...."

"I ran out of Yum-Yums for you-!"


"Johnny?" The spirit- I mean Johnny , purred happily."Aw , I thought I loss you! What are you doing here?" "*Meow*""Tsk , I don't speak spirit language but whatever." I hugged my spirit tightly which was making the Daemos confused.

"Hehe , sorry. Forgot about you.*gasp* What happened with your arm!?"

Pierce's POV

"What happened with your arm!?" I looked at my arm with 3 new scars. It's probably the spirit's work. I might got it when it haven't been tamed by Ava.

"Give me your arm.""What?"She reached out her hand , trying to grab my arm. I moved backwards."Come on , I don't bite , sir."She grabbed my arm by force and pull out bandages from her bag.

Hold on....

Did she called me.....


Didn't she know my name?

"Ava....didn't you remember me?" "Hehe , I get used with. Noi , Leif and Rhys called out my name without me introducing. That did save my energy." She laughed sweetly.

I pat on her head , staring at her temporarily horns."Done. You should get this heal before germs infect your body and cause a energy loss."I looked at my wrapped arms.

"Hey , I haven't get your name yet." "Pierce.""Oh , the one that Rhys mentioned to me who will give me training as a knight! I'm suppose to learn a lot of things from you. Now if you excuse me..." She said and left to feed the other larger size spirits.

Walking across the library, I suddenly got dragged by Rhys with the rest , but Asch wasn't among the others.

"You know-"I interrupted Rhys with a "Yes". "Ava had clearly forgot about us, this might can't be heal like any diseases on Daemos.""Why don't we give a knock on the head? This might wake her up.""This only might cause more damage on her head. We must action fast before the spell wore off."

"Wake her up with our memories?"


"She met the spirit on Ear-th just now. She remembered him after an amount of time. I believe the memories of her with the spirit had awoken."

"So , the only way is to awaken the memories that was locked up in her brain.""But , how are we suppose to do that?"

We looked at Leif confusingly."She's a knight and royal advisor to Lady Bish. Not to mention , a spirit tamer. It will be hard for us to get close to her.""I can do it."

"Huh?!""She said she's going to attend classes with me for being a knight. It will be easier for me.""Well , that should be. Where's Asch actually?" I haven't see him for a few suns already."

"I do over heard that his father's looking for him , discussing about the crisis and the reason he's gone for quite some time.""He better don't tell it."

"Tell what?"

We all freaked out from Ava's sudden appearance behind us.

"Oh , Hey Pri-Ow!""Shut up,could you?!"scolded Leif."A-Ava , what brings you here?"asked Rhys nervously.

"Oh , I just passed by. I'm going to Lady-""Ava , where the hell are you!?" She hold her fists tightly as she was interrupted."Yes, I'm coming! *mumble* I swear to god... See you guys later. I'm going to deal with some bitch."

"She start to act like one of us.""Is that a good thing?""Well , at least she won't be too suspicious among the others." answered Rhys. I agreed with him.

"Well , I do like the fact that she called Bish a-""Shut up! We can't let anyone hear that or less they'll report it to her! All we got to do is to get closer to her , wake her memories up and send back to Ear-th. Got it?"

We looked at each other and spilled out the same sentence.


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