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Ava's POV

"Everything's fine , Lady Ava. Just walk in and have a talk with his majesty." Emo adviced outside of the throne room doors while I was banging my forehead on the door.

Yup , you heard me.
I was banging my forehead on the wrought iron made doors.

After the king had informed me to see him in the throne room , alone , no accompany , I had gone nervous,  butterflies flying around in my stomach.

Right now, having some great advice from the wise Emo before I pushed the door open.

"How am I suppose to do that? After all that chaotic mess up? I almost killed his royal majesty and the members of the High Council! Just without a snap of the evil possessed me's fingers , the king wouldn't even exist now!" "Get that negative thought out your head , my Lady. You don't want that to happen, do you?" She said while knocked my head with her curled up fist.

"Yeah , but what if anything happened to me again? And this time , the king will surely sue me." "I'll handle it, like how I handle the old case suns ago." She said while hit lightly her chest with her fist.

I looked at the door with my hand on the surface , looking back at Emo who gave me some positive feedbacks , looking back at the door. "I-I don't feel like going in there. What if he asked me about how Asch and mine's marriage ceremony going on?"

She rolled her eye and pushed her fist on the door. Before she could said anything and the fact we didn't even realise , the door was unlocked. I found myself glided down followed the door. As I found my step on the ground, I looked up and found Asch's father sitting on the throne , minding his political problems.

I looked at Emo who gave me a thumbs up in the corner , took a deep breath and walked in.

You can do this , Ava. Believe in yourself....It's just talking to Asch's father, ain't a big deal....

I thought while stopped and bowed after his majesty as respect. "Your majesty , y-you want to see me?" "Ava   yes , my son's bride-to-be. I ordered you to come because I had hoped for some advice on the war."

I was stoned.

He still wanna talk about this.... Don't he?....

"The evil spirit had offered us some free advice and it's your turn to offer some necessary advice for the legacy of Daemos." He said confidently while I was feeling completely blue like a smurf.

"If you want to be queen of Daemos and fight alongside my son , you had to offer those advice and throw those outrageous thoughts in your mind as far as possible." He adviced. "My son was a success man , you need be successful as him to be the best on all royals in the history of Daemos. Even better than his mother."

(A/N: like why not , I never heard off Asch's mother , the family members that we only know was his father, his brother , his grandma and his sister in law. At least I'm a quite curious one to what happen to Asch's mother. Why does it sound like ATLA)

I looked at his majesty and looked away from me , with his hand resting on his chin. "That woman.....She's indeed amazing. Giving me two  offsprings that I could be proud of , bringing me some victorious advice. If she can do that , then all women on Daemos could , not to mention....you."

I suddenly felt a pressure on me...... He's actually expecting me to be like Asch's mother.....

"You don't have to feel pressure about my choice and rules of a daughter in law. You should be worried about Asch's actual choice." I looked at my feet with my fist curled up.

He can't make me who he wants me to be.

"I won't be concerned about that issue, my lord. If Asch chose me as his bride and queen , then he had his own reason. Not to follow your desires."
What the heck was wrong with me?

"Were you saying that Asch didn't expect you to be like his successful mother? Is that the point you're trying to point out?" "Yes , it is." Is there something worng with me?

"Won't you need to at least improve yourself for his sake?!" "If that's what he wants , yes. But I'm having an conversation with you now , my lord." There's definitely something wrong with me.

"Are you trying to fight your king?! Not to mention , your father in law , Lady Ava!" "No , I won't. But only thing I will fight about was the fact you want me to be like Asch's mother , which was impossible to happen." I said with my fist curled up even more tighter.

"This was for the improvement of Daemos. If you're just going to stay at the level you are right now , Daemos won't be able to move on to a new era and Asch will be shamed by you." That's it!

"Asch? He'll be shamed by me? Heh , I'll be shamed by him if he needed me by his side to do all of his political issues. He's going to be king as a matter of fact , he can give out his own thoughts. Daemos might be a more peaceful kingdom , with my mouth by his ear every single sun. Heh , he might even divorce with me , that seems to be a big issue." I said as Asch's father smacked his arm on the throne room with the echo of his famous quote "Silent!".

"You young lady , you had that very terrible attitude of yours. Am I suppose to let Bish to be your royal advisor?" "Oh the world turned upside down! I can't believe that someone who had extreme bad attitude had to teach me to be a better Daemos? Heh , are you intense or insane?"

Finally , the king walked down from his throne , grabbing my wrist tightly and glared into my eye.

"I swear to the gods , Ava. If you don't want to follow my orders, I could even make it worst than exile , " He said while grabbing me even tighter , I couldn't got out from his grip , "So , you want to follow my orders or-"

"That's your desires , not orders!" I yelled while make a hand slice movement , pushing his majesty away but then found his majesty was knocked onto the throne with his hand on his stomach.

Second person's POV

Ava was shocked and stoned by whatever she seen.

She attacked the king.

Her eyes started to glitch from white to pink , repeatedly. She soon walked backwards and ran out of the throne room with her glitching eyes.

"Lady Av-" Emo couldn't react even a single second for whatever happened in there. "Av-?" She bumped into Noi but she quickly ran away , leaving our innocent adorable Daemos confused.

She skipped the stairs and landed safely while continued her speed running. Her arms suddenly glowed back in the old crescent shaped tattoo and the soil around her started growing some crops along her way.

She soon arrived the lake with Fangon resting herself in the water with Mammoo and Johnny. She kneeled down hardly onto the ground and started sobbing for whatever she done.

"I-I can't, Johnny! It's too hard to be his bride!" She said while cuddled with her spirit pet who soon purred by her touch. Mammoo walked towards her and snaked her waist with the trunk and Fangon letting her leaned on her , resting from all that running.

"Hey... Are you alright , young lady?" Ava looked up and found.....

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