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Ava's POV

A new day

Starting with cleaning the spirit stable.


While cleaning the dirty floor , walking backwards , I sensed I bumped to someone on their chest.

As I turned back , I found Zex standing behind with a quite strange sight.

"Well , well , look what we have he-" Right Zex reached out his hand , Mammon grabbed his arm and trumpeted him by the air.

"*trumpet*!""Ouch! You little rasc-" I blocked his way as he was about to hurt my favourite baby Mamphant.

"You serious? He's just a baby." "Who cares?""I do."I glared at him furiously.

"Fine whatever. Lady Bish requested you to grab some Yarrow and Lavender in order to heal his majesty who had recurrence of his old injuries back in wars."

"Can't you see I'm busy here? I got stable cleaning , classes with Rhys and freaki- Wait..."Right when I was murmuring about my tired life I had spent , a thought popped in my head.

"Lightbulb...""What?""Why don't you help me the clean up the place while I set off to heal his majesty?" I said while threw the broom to him and set off to the forest.

"Thanks anyway , Zex!"

Zex's POV

Watching the disguised human running the death , I secretly split out a laughter of evil and break the broom to two.

She won't succeed this mission... I'm sure.

"*trumpet*!""Ugh , back off you little-!"I yelled at the Mamphant , a result of a failed attack. The Mamphant trumpeted louder and stepped on my feet.

"Why you little-! I would kill you-" "Zex? Where's Ava?"I turned and found the loyal royal advisor of Prince Asch, Rhys came to seek for his human toy.

"Well , well , looking for your little puppet , I assume?""Answer me. Where's. Ava.""Maybe she went off for a mission? From Lady Bish." I said calmly , watching Rhys got fire up.

"Why would you even do such thing? She had nothing to deal with you." "Oh yes she does. And there's a lot of reason for finishing her. First of , she tries to steal the throne from Bish , which was ridiculous. Secondly,  a human like her was able to restore the magic for Daemos. Isn't it so beneficial for every single one of us?"
I hissed at Rhys and walked towards the exit after got my grip away from the failure.

"Now , if you excuse me , I would like to have a nice talk with your friend~" I whispered into his Daemos ears and walked on the trail to get her....

Ava's POV

Where was it....

I walked along the road , as it gets narrower. Vines and hanging mosses were blocking my eye sight.

As I open the vines , I found a crystal clear lake and there they are.

A pile of Yarrows and Lavenders on the ground , moving as the breeze blows.

Blessed Zex for giving me the mission.

This place was so enchanted.

I carefully walked across the bushes of ripe red hawthorn and successfully reached the flower floor,  but with several scars on the arm.

Who cares , as long as got those plants.

I walked towards the flower pile with my knife in my grip. As I was about to cut the last needed Yarrow , a deep growl and breath gave me several shiver on my back. I turned back and found a fangon behind my back growling and staring at my hot pink colour eyes with his yellow sharp pupils.

Aphmau My Inner Demons Season 2 FanmadeWhere stories live. Discover now